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文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2015-05-21 4935


  “名师讲堂”第9期活动邀请IEEE Fellow、美国德州大学教授、多媒体处理实验室主任Kamisetty R. Rao主讲,欢迎广大师生参与。具体安排如下:

  主 题:High Efficiency Video Coding(HEVC)

  时 间:2015年5月25日(周一)10:30

  地 点:清水河校区科研楼C216

  主讲人:Kamisetty R. Rao(IEEE Fellow





  In the family of video coding standards, HEVC has the promise and potential to replace/supplement all the existing standards (MPEG and H.26x series including H.264/AVC). While the complexity of the HEVC encoder is several times that of the H.264/AVC, the decoder complexity is within the range of the latter.  Researchers are exploring about reducing the HEVC encoder complexity. Kim et. al. have shown that motion estimation (ME) occupies 77-81% of HEVC encoder implementation. Hence the focus has been in reducing the ME complexity. Several researchers have implemented performance comparison of HEVC with other standards such as H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 Part 2 visual, H.262/PEG-2 Video, H.263, and VP9 and also with image coding standards such as JPEG2000, JPEG-LS, and JPEG-XR. Several tests have shown that HEVC provides improved compression efficiency up to 50% bit rate reduction for the same subjective video quality compared to H.264/AVC.

  Besides addressing all current applications, HEVC is designed and developed to focus on two key issues: increased video resolution - up to 8kx4k – and increased use of parallel processing architecture. Brief description of the HEVC is provided. However for details and implementation, the reader is referred to the JCT-VC documents, overview papers, keynote speeches, tutorials, panel discussion, poster sessions, special issues, test models (TM/HM), web/ftp site, open source software, test sequences, anchor bit streams and the latest book on HEVC by Sze, Budagavi, and Sullivan. Also researchers are exploring transcoding between HEVC and other standards such as MPEG-2. Further extensions to HEVC are scalable video coding (SVC), 3D video/multi-view video coding and range extensions which include screen content coding (SCC), bit depths larger than 10 bits and color sampling of 4:2:2 and 4:4:4. SCC in general refers to computer generated objects and screen shots from computer applications (both images and videos) and may require lossless coding.

  Some of these extensions have been finalized by the end of 2014 (time frame for SCC is late 2015 or early 2016). They also provide fertile ground for R & D.  Iguchi et. al. have already developed a hardware encoder for super hi-vision (SHV) i.e., ultra HDTV at 7680x4320 pixel resolution. Also real-time hardware implementation of HEVC encoder for 1080p HD video has been done. NHK is planning SHV experimental broadcasting in 2016.  A 249-Mpixel/s HEVC video decoder chip for 4k Ultra-HD applications has already been developed. Bross et. al. have shown that  real time software decoding of 4K (3840x2160) video with HEVC is feasible on current desktop CPUs using four CPU cores. They also state that encoding 4K video in real time on the other hand is a challenge. Multimedia research group (MRC) predicts 2 billion HEVC based devices by 2016.



  Prof. K. R. Rao,IEEE Fellow,美国德州大学教授,是数字信号(包括图像和视频信号)处理领域的国际著名学者。共出版17本专著、发表400多篇论文,引用超过10000次,其中最具影响力的是他和另外两位共同发明的离散余弦变换(discrete cosine transform-DCT),被广泛应用到图像和视频编码算法和标准中,因此被业内人士称为“离散余弦变换之父”。Prof. Rao同时也是一位“桃李满天下”的导师:在美国德州大学(Arlington分校)任教40多年,培养100多位硕士和30多位博士。我校曾兵教授曾获2011年IEEE Circuits and Systems Society CSVT Transactions最佳论文奖,而此奖的推荐人正是Prof. K. R. Rao。



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