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EE论坛:Convex Optimization: from embedded real-time to large-scale distributed
文:刘翼鹏 来源:原电子工程学院 时间:2015-06-14 5825

  讲座题目:Convex Optimization: From embedded real-time to large-scale distributed

  主讲人:Stephen P. Boyd(斯坦福大学最受学生欢迎教授之一,美国国家工程院院士,IEEE Fellow,SIAM Fellow,凸优化研究和教学的国际权威专家)




  Convex optimization has emerged as useful tool for applications that include data analysis and model fitting, resource allocation, engineering design, network design and optimization, finance, and control and signal processing. After an overview, the talk will focus on two extremes: real-time embedded convex optimization, and distributed convex optimization. Code generation can be used to generate extremely efficient and reliable solvers for small problems, which can execute in milliseconds or microseconds, and are ideal for embedding in real-time systems. At the other extreme, we describe methods for large-scale distributed optimization, which coordinate many solvers to solve enormous problems.


Stephen Boyd.jpg

  Stephen P. Boyd is the Samsung Professor of Engineering, and Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Information Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. He has courtesy appointments in the Department of Management Science and Engineering and the Department of Computer Science, and is member of the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. His current research focus is on convex optimization applications in control, signal processing, circuit design, and machine learning.

  Professor Boyd received an AB degree in Mathematics, summa cum laude, from Harvard University in 1980, and a PhD in EECS from U. C. Berkeley in 1985. In 1985 he joined the faculty of Stanford's Electrical Engineering Department. He has held visiting Professor positions at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, McGill University, Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Tsinghua University, Universite Paul Sabatier, Royal Institute of Technology, Kyoto University, Harbin Institute of Technology, NYU, MIT, UC Berkeley, and CUHK-Shenzhen. He holds an honorary doctorate from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

  Professor Boyd is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the IEEE and SIAM, a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He has received many awards and honors for his research in control systems engineering and optimization, including an ONR Young Investigator Award, a Presidential Young Investigator Award, and the AACC Donald P. Eckman Award, given annually for the greatest contribution to the field of control engineering by someone under the age of 35. In 2013, he received the IEEE Control Systems Award, given for outstanding contributions to control systems engineering, science, or technology. In 2012, Michael Grant and he were given the Mathematical Optimization Society's Beale-Orchard-Hays Award, given every three years for excellence in computational mathematical programming. He has been invited to deliver more than 60 plenary and keynote lectures at major conferences in control, optimization, and machine learning. His google citation number is 86827, and the H-index is 91.

  Professor Boyd is the author of many research articles and three books: Convex Optimization (with Lieven Vandenberghe, 2004), Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory (with L. El Ghaoui, E. Feron, and V. Balakrishnan, 1994), and Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance (with Craig Barratt, 1991). His group has produced several open source tools, including CVX (with Michael Grant), a widely used parser-solver for convex optimization.

  Professor Boyd is one of the most popular professor at Stanford. In 1994 he received the Perrin Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in the School of Engineering, and in 1991, an ASSU Graduate Teaching Award. In 2003, he received the AACC Ragazzini Education award, for contributions to control education, with citation: “For excellence in classroom teaching, textbook and monograph preparation, and undergraduate and graduate mentoring of students in the area of systems, control, and optimization.”


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