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学术讲座:Exploring the Technical and Economic Factors Underlying Internet Abuse
文:薛瑞尼 来源:计算机学院 时间:2015-09-07 5243


  本次讲座邀请加州大学圣迭戈分校(UCSD)计算机科学与工程学院Geoff M. Voelker教授,来我校探讨互联网时代应用泛滥的技术因素和经济因素,欢迎感兴趣的教师和博士生参加。具体安排如下:



  三、题目:Exploring the Technical and Economic Factors Underlying Internet Abuse

  四、嘉宾:UCSD计算机学院 Geoff M. Voelker 教授

  五、主持人:计算机学院 薛瑞尼 副教授


  The large-scale compromise of Internet hosts and services form a platform for supporting a range of criminal activity in the so-called Internet underground economy. In this talk I will start by quickly surveying work that our group has performed over the past decade on the problems posed by these threats, and how our research direction shave evolved over time in response to them. I will then go into detail on work that our group has performed in an end-to-end analysis of the spam value chain as an example of a broader perspective on intervention in this space. Using extensive measurements over months of diverse spam data, broad crawling of naming and hosting infrastructures, and product purchases from a wide variety of spam-advertised sites, I will characterize the modern spam ecosystem and results of interventions in the payment tier. I'll end by touching upon other kinds of Internet abuse that our group has studied from a similar perspective, and where our group is headed going forward.

  七:Geoff M. Voelker简历

  Geoffrey M. Voelker是UCSD计算机科学与工程学院教授。他的研究兴趣包括操作系统、分布式系统、计算机网络及安全技术。他的在加州伯克利取得电子工程和计算机科学学士学位,在华盛顿大学获得计算机科学与工程硕士和博士学位。近年来Voelker教授发表论文180余篇,Google Scholar被引用次数15140次,h因子58,近5年h因子50。论文主要发表在INFOCOM, SIGCOMM, SIGKDD, NSDI, TOCS, TON等国际顶级会议和期刊上。他还担任SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP等国际会议的技术委员会成员。


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