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智慧讲坛:Industry 4.0 Creativity and Design (i4CAD)
文:钟若黎 来源:格拉斯哥学院 时间:2015-10-15 4236



  一、主 题:Industry 4.0 Creativity and Design(i4CAD)

  二、嘉 宾:Professor Yun Li,University of Glasgow

  三、时 间:2015年10月23日(周五)14:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区立人楼B-318

  五、联系人:霍祥湖 电话:61831770



  Following a period with U.K. National Engineering Laboratory in 1989 and Industrial Systems and ControlLtd in 1990,Yun Li joined the University of Glasgow (UoG) as Lecturer in 1991,where he is currently Professor of Systems Engineering. Since 1992, He has trained 30 PhDstudents, one of whom becomes an IEEE Fellow. During 2011-2013, Professor Li went to Singapore as Founding Director to set up University of Glasgow Singapore, the first overseassubsidiary in the University's 560-year history. Then he acted asinterim/founding director of the UoG-UESTC joint education programme in 2013. Hereceived his PhD in parallel computing and control from University ofStrathclyde in 1990, MEng from UESTC in 1987 and BSc from Sichuan University in1984. He has over 200 publications, one of which is elected by Thomson Reuters as"Research Front in Engineering", one as "Research Front inComputer Science", four into "Essential Science Indicators"(ESI), and one has been elected the most popular paper in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technologyevery month since its publication in 2005. ProfessorLi is currently the University’s third “Top Author”, an Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on EvolutionaryComputation, a Chartered Engineer in the U.K., and an overseas referee for ‘Cheung Kong Scholars Programme’of China(教育部长江学者海外评委)and for the National Research Foundation and the Ministryof Education of Singapore.

  Contact: Yun.Li@glasgow.ac.uk



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