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China Daily: My Chengdu Stories

  ATUBGA DAVID ATIA IBRAHIM,我校通信与信息工程学院加纳留学生,目前在吴慧娟老师的指导下学习信息与通信工程专业。他同时是我校留学生学生会主席,将于今年6月硕士毕业。他撰写的文章《My Chengdu Stories》刊登在2016年3月14日出版的《China Daily》(《中国日报》)上。

  Chengdu, is one of the prominent cities in China that when I first arrived I felt I made a mistake travelling of my country and I was showered with mix feelings but within a week up to two, I said to myself, Oh what a sweet, diplomatic, neat, lovely, attractive, exquisite, gorgeous home full of passionate people. I now understand why it was once stated metaphorically by one prominent Poet by name Mao Zedong who lived between.

  1893 to 1976 in one of his poems that Great China was like “a Rooster’s Crow awakens the dreaming earth”. This description of the then China was not just a mere saying but he foresaw from the onset that China was just not only awakening the Earth, but will one day serve as a home of inventions, a land of peace loving, home of the World Economic Power, home of International cooperation and Chengdu is not an exception. The warm heartedness of the people of Chengdu culminates to the traditional passion passed on to all Chinese by Confucius that “isn’t it a joy to welcome friends from afar”? since then, every Chinese has cultivated this unique habit in him or her.

  It is therefore an undisputable fact that Chengdu is a nice city full of Kind, Philanthropic, caring, loving, and friendly people from children to the aged. There are numerous or countless cities in China but among them, I think Chengdu which within a twinkle of an eye has developed to the admiration of natives and every foreigner who finds him or herself in the Land of Great Chengdu. This generosity of the people of Chengdu can be seen in the pictures below.


  现在我理解了为什么毛泽东(1893- 1976年)在他的一首诗里把伟大的中国比喻成“公鸡打鸣唤醒沉睡的大地”(诗歌原文:雄鸡一唱天下白)。这个描述不仅仅是纯粹的说中国,他从一开始就预见,中国绝不仅仅是唤醒地球,而是有一天它会成为创造发明之乡,爱好和平之地,经济强大之国,国际合作之家。成都,也不例外。孔夫子曾说“有朋自远方来,不亦说乎”,自那以后,每一位中国人都培养了这份独特的习惯,热心的成都人们将这传承下来的热情发挥到了极致。


My Chengdu stories

  Remarkably, the food in Chengdu is superb because of its specialty in nature. In fact, very hot and spicy and in case one falls sick and happens to eat this food, then this sickness will vanish within no time. Have you ever being to Chengdu before? If yes, have you tried HOT POT? Which is also called the “Sichuan Cuisine” (Chuan Cai) hot and pungent flavoring? If No, then you have not come out from your home. I was first introduced to Hot Pot by my Professor by name Wu Huijuan who is philanthropic, generous, and welcoming and since then I countless dinner only hotpot. Check this, but control your lust.


My Chengdu stories

  It is said that, when it comes to dinner, private and business ideas are mooted and considered intrinsic part of business negotiations. They have a saying that “you are what you eat” is “you are where you eat” in other words, we must eat quality food all the time to become healthy and strong. In terms of eating seasonally, they have yet another saying that “reddish in winter and ginger in summer, keeps the Doctor away” this shows that much priority is place on health, nutrition and harmony.

  My story about Great Chengdu still continues unabated, when it comes to site seeing, then you have no other place to discuss with friends apart from Chengdu. Why? Because where else can one see Pandas in the world? The answer is Chengdu. Have you being to Panda City before? If yes, I say kudos to you else, you have to locate this place just like I did with friends. Let’s get to the Panda City now….

  (翻译:据说边吃饭边交流个人想法或谈生意被认为是商业洽谈必不可少的一部分。他们有句话叫做“人如其食”。换句话说就是,我们必需吃健康的食物来变得健康和强壮。说到不同季节的吃食,他们有另一句俗语叫做“冬吃萝卜夏吃姜, 不用医生开药方”。这表明他们非常重视健康、营养和和谐。


  Also, the most prominent artificial dam in China can be found in Chengdu. It is call the Du Jiang Yan dam. This was a dam built by one prominent man and his son for irrigational purpose and later the army supported to extend or widen it and now it stands as the prominent dam in China. Which now serves as the food basket of China. Let’s travel to Du Jiang Yan.

My Chengdu stories

  The Du Jiang Yan was also the place where the genesis of the Monkey King Movies started first.



  Some of the renowned edifices in China also include the New Century Global Center – one of the largest buildings in the world which occupies an area of 1.7 Million Square Meters. This elegant building can contain inside it, 20 Sydney Opera Houses, three Pentagon buildings, and even still has enough space to add four St. Peter’s Squares. Where do you think this structure if found in China? The answer certainly is Chengdu.


My Chengdu stories

  It is emphatically lucid that Chengdu is a unique City, nature has found itself in China and Chengdu has the biggest to offer to the world. Paramount among them again is the Great Wall of Chengdu at Luodai City. Let’s have a tour to Luodai for some experience if only you are strong enough to climb this great wall and later come back to the base for fun.


  In addition, I think a visit to “huang long si” in summer would be the best for you to challenge your Chinese friends in water fighting and the amazing experiences at the sight. Have you being there before? This part of Chengdu has loving and caring people and would like to assist any foreigner who finds him or herself there. Classical examples can be seen from these pictures when UESTC International students visited there in 2015 summer.

My Chengdu stories

  In terms of industries, let’s say, Chengdu is still leading and is the heart of industries such as Hauwei, ZTE etc and one of the prominent electronic industries known as DEC Dong Fang Electric Company is also found in Chengdu. This company has developed and had its tentacles wide spread throughout the whole world. From Asia, Europe to Africa. As part of my International exposure as an International students leader of UESTC, all I did in my own little way to DEC was to contribute to the discussions on the topic “One Road One Belt Policy” by the Current President, His Excellency Xi Jinping and below explains it all.


  I must say that I am always speechless when it comes to transportation system in Chengdu. Be it aviation road networks and subway system and in the night Chengdu always take you to paradise. Let’s check out these:



My Chengdu stories

  In terms of Education, health care, farming and what have you, the least said the better. As part of my success stories of Chengdu, there are numerous universities in Chengdu but I should say the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) which stands as one of the best electronic Engineering Universities in China and again a project 211 and 985 University and dear to the heart of the Government of this Country is also found in Chengdu. As a dream University for Chinese students, I must say, I am glad to be an International Student of UESTC which is also located in the heart of Chengdu.

  (翻译:说到教育、医疗和农业,我必须少说一点了。作为我与成都的故事的一部分,成都有很多很多的大学,但是我要特别说一下成都的电子科技大学,作为全中国最好的电子工程类院校之一,同时也是“211”“ 985”工程重点院校之一,深受国家政府的关注和重视。作为中国学生心目中的理想院校,我为能够成为坐落在成都中心的电子科技大学留学生中的一员而感到高兴。)

My Chengdu stories

  I will forever remember Chengdu because of this University, and the opportunity for the first time in my life to leader International students UESTC coming from over 56 countries worldwide.


My Chengdu stories

  Furthermore, Chengdu is was once hit by so many tragedies and whenever I think of these sad events, I always feel deeply worried and keep praying for the departed souls and the good people of Chengdu. My journeys to Beichuan and Wen Chuan gave me terrifying memories and indeed sad stories about Chengdu. However, it is my prayer that these calamities will not surface again and there will be the continuity of happiness, love, joy, in Chengdu and in China as a whole. Behind me are two tunnels which before we reach the mountain I was wondering how we were to cross to the other end of the mountains but to my surprise, technology has proven beyond doubts and a tunnel of several kilometers have been created under these mountain. What else can I say?

  Permit me to say that Chengdu is a land of beauty, why because the following images say it all;



My Chengdu stories

  Chengdu is a land predominantly of agriculture and produces every kind of farm products from food kinds to all animals. Everything about Chengdu is unique.


  Based on these few examples of the application of technology in the production of food in Chengdu, I will say it is a great and unique City in China that one can ever think of.

  The people of Chengdu celebrate all the Chinese Festivals in conformity with the farming seasons to the admiration of everyone and they include:

  • Spring Festival which is noted as one of the biggest traditional festivals and also known as the Chinese New Year Festival always involves mass exodus of people from cities back home. They always embellish their homes on the eve of New Year as signs of luck couple with sacrifices, fireworks, firecrackers and family reunions,

  • Tomb Sweeping Festival is yet another prominent festival carried out in commemoration of the departed souls to have eternally everlasting lives and it always falls around the 5th of April on the Western calendar,

  • Dragon Boat Festival which also falls on the fifth day of the month of the Lunar calendar was and is still celebrated to remember the death of the Ancient Chinese Poet by name Qu Yuan who lived around (340BC to 278BC), and finally,

  • Mid-autumn Festival which falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the Lunar calendar is celebrated to have a glance of the full month and is always characterized by One would bear with me that, in terms of Roads networks and the transport systems from railways involving subways, road transports and aviation, China has performed beyond expectations. Just like their splendid infrastructural development all over.

  If I mean to continue my story about Chengdu, it will take us the whole year. What I can only say is “No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, life is a learning process and always delay in judging others. Give others the privilege to explain themselves. What you see may not be the reality or false. Never conclude for others. That is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.

  Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded with money but because they value friendship.

  Those who take the initiative at work, do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.

  Those who apologize first after a fight, do so not because they are wrong but because the value the people around them.

  Those who are willing to help you, do so not because they owe you anything but because they see you as a true friend.

  One day all of us will get separated from each other and from Chengdu, we will miss our conversations of everything and nothing else, the dreams that we had, days will pass by, months will pass by, years will pass by, until one day, our children will see our pictures and ask, who are these people? And we will smile with invisible tears because our heart is touched with a strong word and you will say “it was them that I had my best days of my life with in Chengdu.

  Other people may have different stories about Chengdu but this is mine.

  Chengdu, My Second Home, God Bless Chengdu God Bless China!


















编辑:罗莎  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤