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IEEE Fellow、FEKO软件创始人Ulrich Jakobus博士做客“学者论坛”
文:教师发展中心 电工学院 图:教师发展中心 电工学院 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-06-08 6653

  6月3日,IEEE Fellow、计算电磁学领域著名商业软件FEKO创始人Ulrich Jakobus博士受邀做客我校学者论坛,为我校师生带来题为“Application of Advanced CEM Techniques in the Commercial Field Solver Package FEKO for the Solution of Real World Electromagnetic Problems”(面向实际电磁工程的商用电磁软件FEKO及其高级电磁数值计算方法)的学术报告。论坛由人力资源部部长胡俊教授主持,我校从事相关学科研究的师生及来自武汉理工大学等高校的师生参与了交流。


  在交流中,Ulrich Jakobus博士介绍了在FEKO中应用的用于解决电磁问题的全波方法和高频渐近方法,并重点和师生分享了先进的CEM的建模技术,详细讲解了高阶基函数曲线域、快速多极子、H-矩阵等技术。报告中,Ulrich Jakobus博士不仅与师生讨论了这些技术的背景和基本理论,还从现实世界中这些技术的应用实例出发,突出介绍了这些技术的优势。


  电工学院陈益凯教授等青年教师就电磁学研究的相关前沿问题与Ulrich Jakobus展开交流,胡俊就其团队的最新研究动态与成果和Ulrich Jakobus进行探讨。



  Dr. Jakobus obtained his PhD and Habilitation degrees from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1994 and 1999, respectively. He is the original author of FEKO at EM Software & Systems (EMSS) based in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Since joining Altair in 2014 as part of the acquisition of EMSS by Altair he is Vice President of Electromagnetic Solutions at Altair.Dr. Jakobus published extensively in the field of computational electromagnetics and related topics (about 200 journal and conference papers), and received several awards for his research, including the ACES Outstanding Paper Award in 1996 and the Heinz-Maier Leibnitz prize by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 1998 and the Best Paper Award of EMV 2014.He is a member of URSI commission B, Fellow of the IEEE and Fellow of ACES (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society) and also currently serves as the Vice President of ACES.

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