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学术沙龙:Interactive Top-k Spatial Keyword Queries
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-06-14 4331



  一、主 题:Interactive Top-k Spatial Keyword Queries 

  二、主讲人:昆士兰大学 郑凯

  三、时 间:2016年6月15日(周三)14:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区主楼B1-104

  五、主持人:计算机学院 连德富



  Conventional top-k spatial keyword queries require users to explicitly specify their preferences between spatial proximity and keyword relevance. In this work we investigate how to eliminate this requirement by enhancing the conventional queries with interaction, resulting in Interactive Top-k Spatial Keyword (ITkSK) query. Having confirmed the feasibility by theoretical analysis, we propose a three-phase solution focusing on both effectiveness and efficiency. The first phase substantially narrows down the search space for subsequent phases by efficiently retrieving a set of geo-textual k-skyband objects as the initial candidates. In the second phase three practical strategies for selecting a subset of candidates are developed with the aim of maximizing the expected benefit for learning user preferences at each round of interaction. Finally we discuss how to determine the termination condition automatically and estimate the preference based on the user's feedback. Empirical study based on real PoI datasets verifies our theoretical observation that the quality of top-k results in spatial keyword queries can be greatly improved through only a few rounds of interactions


  Dr. Kai Zheng is DECRA Researcher at University of Queensland. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from The University of Queensland in 2012. His research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing big data for business, scientific and personal applications. He has been working in the area of spatial-temporal databases, uncertain databases, trajectory computing, social-media analysis and bioinformatics. He has published over 60 papers in the highly referred journals and conferences such as SIGMOD, ICDE, EDBT, The VLDB Journal, ACM Transactions and IEEE Transactions. He was the Program Committee Chair of the International Workshops on Human Mobility Computing (HuMoComp 2013 & 2014) , and the International Workshop on Big Data Management and Service (BDMS) in 2013. He is on the reviewer board of several top database journals such as IEEE TKDE, ACM TODS, VLDB Journal, KAIS and Geoinformatica. He is on program committee of SIGMOD 2016, SIGMOD 2015, CIKM 2015, CIKM 2014, as well as several other international and regional database conferences.


  联系人:袁老师   电话:61830230




编辑:李思扬  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:罗莎