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学术沙龙:The Cultural and Creative Industries: Genealogy and Outlook
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-06-17 4992


  本次活动教师发展中心特别邀请比利时参议院参议员、布鲁塞尔自由大学Katia Segers教授,与我校师生共同探讨文化与创意产业的相关研究。具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的教师和博士生参加。

  一、主 题:The Cultural and Creative Industries: Genealogy and Outlook

  二、主讲人:比利时参议院参议员、布鲁塞尔自由大学Katia Segers教授 

  三、时 间:2016年6月21日(周二)15:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区经管楼宾诺咖啡


  ‘Cultural industries’, ‘creative industries, ‘creative economy’, ‘(multi) media industries’, the conceptual apparatus in use to describe the evolutions within the industries that produce symbolic content, and illustrates the growing centrality of these industries in economic and political discourse as well as in academia in several disciplines. Not only the centrality of the field is growing, also it complexity and ambivalence is expanding. First of all the field of CI’s is characterized by a strong interweaving between policy and academia. Topics of research coincide with topics of political attention and action. Think for instance of the ‘hype’ both in research and policy on ‘clusters’ or ‘hubs’,‘creative cities’. Within this dynamic process of interaction between policy and academia in which it is unclear who is giving impulses and who is steering.

  In this talk, we will discuss matters of defining the cultural and creative industries and measuring the economic impact of the creative economy.


  Katia Segers教授,比利时参议院参议员、弗拉芒区议员,布鲁塞尔自由大学经济社会科学及索尔韦商学院媒体传播研究系教授,担任布鲁塞尔艺术交流平台副主席、比利时弗拉芒区文化委员会条约成员和比利时企业通讯基金会主席。曾担任比利时利德凯尔克市文化部副部长、比利时知识媒介素养部主席、加拿大艺术和文化管理国际协会主席。

  七、主持人:政治与公共管理学院 谢梅教授


  九、联系人:郭老师   电话:61830230



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