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基础论坛:Nanogenerators for self-powered small electronics
文:基础与前沿研究院 图:基础与前沿研究院 来源:基础与前沿研究院 时间:2016-08-10 5837

  题 目:Nanogenerators for self-powered small electronics

  时 间:2016年8月12日(周五)上午10:00

  地 点:沙河校区通信楼818会议室

  主讲人:Prof. Sang-Woo Kim

  摘 要:

  Energy harvesting systems based on piezoelectric and triboelectric nanomaterials are in great demand, as they can provide routes for the development of self-powered devices which are highly flexible, stretchable, mechanically durable, and canbe used in a wide range of applications. Our recent research interest mainly focuses on the fabrication of piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators based on various kinds of nanomaterials. Flexible nanogenerators exhibit good performances and are easy to integrate which make it the perfect candidate formany applications, and therefore crucial to develop. In this presentation, I firstly introduce the fundamentals and possible device applications of nanogenerators, including their basic operation modes. Then the different improvement parameters will be discussed. As main topics, I will present acouple of recent achievements regarding highly stretchable piezoelectric-pyroelectric hybrid nanogenerators, transparent flexible graphene triboelectric nanogenerators, textile-based wearable triboelectric nanogenerators, etc. The recent research anddesign efforts for enhancing power generation performance of nanogenerators to realize self powering of portable andwearable sensors and electronics will alsobe discussed in this talk.



  Sang-Woo Kim received a Ph.D. in ElectronicScience and Engineering from Kyoto University in 2004. After working asa postdoctoral researcher at Kyoto University and University of Cambridge, hespent 4 years as an assistant professor at Kumoh National Institute ofTechnology. He joined the School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering,SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT) at SKKU in 2009. He is currently SKKU fellow professor in the Department of AdvancedMaterials Science and Engineering. He recently received Materials Challenges inAlternative & Renewable Energy (MCARE) 2016 Award (American Ceramic Society,USA), The Republic of KoreaPresident’s Award for Scientific Excellence (2015), The Award of the Ministry of Science,ICT & Future Planning (National Top Research, 2014, 2015), Top 50National Basic Research Award (2014), National Top 100 Research Award (2015, 2012), etc. His recent research interest is focusedon piezoelectric/triboelectric nanogenerators, photovoltaics, andtwo-dimensional nanomaterials including graphene, h-BN, and TMDs. For more information on his research and publication, please visit hisgroup website “http://nesel.skku.edu”. Now he is an Associate Editor of Nano Energy and an Executive BoardMember of Advanced Electronic Materials.

编辑:一戈  / 审核:一戈  / 发布:一戈