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文:管理科学与电子商务系 图: 来源:经管学院 时间:2016-10-17 3284





Tuesday 18th Oct. 2016: Arrival in Chengdu, China

Register place: UESTC Hotel

Wednesday Morning, 19th Oct. 2016      Room 205, No. 1 Teaching Building,UESTC

9:00 -10:00

Welcome session 

(Chaired by Professor Xu Chen, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)


9:00 - 9:30

Professor Yong Zeng

Vice President of University of Electronic Science and Technology   of China

Professor Jill Schofield

Head of School of Economics, Finance and   Management, University of Bristol

Dr. Kiki Liang

Head   of Newton Fund, China, British Council


9:30 - 10:00

Title: Introduction to Newton Fund (UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund)

Mr. Grant  Huang

Education  Projects Manager, Southwest China, British Council

10:00 -10:30

Photo taking; Tea and coffee break

10:30 -12:00

Keynote speaker session

(Chaired by Dr. Xiaojun Wang, University of Bristol)

10:30 -11:15

Title: Healthcare Systems and Management, Enduring Issues: Future Hopes?

Speaker: Professor Jill Schofield

Head of School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol

11:15 - 12:00

Title: Optimal replenishing and rationing  management of short-life blood products

Speaker: Professor Youyi Feng

School of Business, Sichuan University

12:00 - 14:00

Lunch (UESTC Hotel)

Wednesday Afternoon, 19th Oct. 2016 

Conference Rooms at the fifth and sixth Floors, UESTC Hotel

14:00 - 15:20

Two parallel sessions(Session 1-1, Session 1-2)

Session 1-1 Conference Room, the Fifth Floor,   UESTC Hotel

Session 1-2 Conference Room, the Sixth Floor,   UESTC Hotel

15:20 - 15:40

Tea and coffee break

15:40 - 17:00

Two parallel sessions  (Session 2-1, Session 2-2)

Session 2-1 Conference Room, the Fifth Floor,   UESTC Hotel

Session 2-2 Conference Room, the Sixth Floor,   UESTC Hotel

18:00 - 20:00

Evening Welcome Banquet (Chengdu Global Centre)

Thursday Morning, 20th Oct. 2016  Room 205, No. 1 Teaching Building, UESTC

9:00 -10:30

Keynote speaker session

(Chaired by Professor Xingzheng Ai, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

9:00 - 9:45

Title: Advances in the effective use of modelling and analytics in healthcare research

Speaker: Professor Leroy White

Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

9:45 - 10:30

Title:   Building data-driven supply chain strategy and decisions of a healthcare company

Speaker: Professor Hing Kai  Chan

Business School, University of Nottingham Ningbo  China

10:30 - 11:00

Tea and coffee break

11:00 - 12:00

Discuss and explore collaboration opportunities

(Chaired by Dr. Xiaojun Wang, University of Bristol)

12:00 - 13:30

Lunch (UESTC Hotel)

Thursday Afternoon, 20th Oct. 2016

13:30 - 17:00

Industry visit to the Chengdu Medical City

1.Visiting sites including: Medical Innovation Centre, Chinese Herb Medicine Centre, Huaxi Hospital, Tourism and Care Home   Estate Project 

2.Presentation of Healthcare business model innovation delivered by the General Manager of the Chengdu Medical City

3.Q&A and discussion session

17:30 - 19:30

Dinner (Chengdu Medical City)

Friday Morning, 21st Oct. 2016 

Conference Rooms at the fifth and sixth Floors, UESTC Hotel

9:00 – 10:20

Two parallel sessions  (Session 3-1, Session 3-2)

Session 3-1 Conference Room, the Fifth Floor, UESTC Hotel

Session 3-2 Conference Room, the Sixth Floor, UESTC Hotel

10:20 –10:40

Tea and coffee break

10:40 –12:20

Two parallel sessions  (Session 4-1, Session 4-2)

Session 4-1 Conference Room, the Fifth Floor, UESTC Hotel

Session 4-2 Conference Room, the Sixth Floor, UESTC Hotel

12:20 –14:00

Lunch (UESTC Hotel)




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