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学者论坛:Face Recognition in the Wild
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-11-23 4107

  人力资源部教师发展中心开展“学者论坛”系列活动,定期邀请国内外知名专家学者、国家级教学名师等作专题报告,旨在加强广大师生的学术思想交流和碰撞,促进青年教师成长,开拓学生视野。第39期论坛邀请到英国女王玛丽大学教授Ebroul Izquierdo主讲,具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

  一、主 题:Face Recognition in the Wild

  二、主讲人:Ebroul Izquierdo, Professor, Queen Marry University of London

  三、时 间:2016年11月29日(周二)上午11: 00

  四、地 点:清水河校区经管大楼宾诺咖啡

  五、主持人:计算机学院 董乐 副教授


  Automated face recognition is one of the oldest and probably best understood tasks in computer vision. Due to the plethora of applications, it is also the basis for a fast evolving technology drawing attention from researchers and practitioners in several fields including forensics, biometrics, visual information retrieval, automated surveillance and internet driven social networking. Despite its maturity, face recognition algorithms fail badly when the image capturing conditions are not ideal. Furthermore, in most critical applications it requires extremely high accuracy under very adverse conditions including significant variations in image quality, scale, orientation, noise and distortions induced by other faces or objects in the same image. This makes an already difficult problem even harder.

  In this talk, important aspects of face recognition and few crucial applications will be presented. Starting with key open technical challenges, some important generic aspects of face recognition will be discussed. The state of the art in face recognition technology will be then outlined. The talk will subsequently refer to essential mathematical and statistical methods used to achieve highly accurate face recognition, as well as, the advantages and disadvantages of available algorithmic solutions. The usefulness of face recognition, as a tool to help forensic investigators when mining the vast amounts of data in crime solving, will be presented. Furthermore, examples of recent technological developments in specific application scenarios will be presented. Here, better understanding of the supreme capabilities of gifted individual called “super-recognizers” will be presented together with related developments that promise to deliver a quantum leap in the accuracy of face extraction and recognition under very adverse conditions


  Ebroul Izquierdo (M’97–SM’02) received the Dr. Rerum Naturalium (Ph.D.) degree from Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, for his thesis on the numerical approximation of algebraic–differential equations. He is the Chair of Multimedia and Computer Vision and the Head of the Multimedia and Vision Group in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K. He was a Senior Researcher at the Heinrich Hertz Institute for Communication Technology (HHI), Berlin, and in the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K. He holds several patents in the area of multimedia signal processing and has published more than 400 technical papers including chapters in books.





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