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韩国成均馆大学Byeungwoo Jeon教授做客学者论坛
文:教师发展中心 电工学院 图:电工学院 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-01-03 7287

  12月27日,韩国成均馆大学教授、视频压缩专家Byeungwoo Jeon应邀做客我校学者论坛。Byeungwoo Jeon在学校清水河校区宾诺咖啡作题为“Low complexity visual coding in compressed sensing approach”的学术报告,来自多个学院的师生参与本次学术分享。论坛由电子工程学院、IEEE Fellow朱策教授主持。


  在报告中,Byeungwoo Jeon介绍了他们实验室的最新工作:利用压缩感知技术构造了一种低复杂度的编码器和解码器。与传统视频编码先采样、后压缩的方式不同,这种新型的编解码器使用压缩感知技术直接进行压缩采样,并基于由随机矩阵采样得到的信息进行编码与图像重建。与传统方法相比,这种编解码器能达到与H.264相当的图像质量,而所消耗的计算和存储资源则大幅度减小,十分适宜在资源有限的环境下使用。

  Byeungwoo Jeon的学术报告十分注重研究背景和基础知识的铺垫,即使对视频编码技术了解有限的,也能在其反复讲解中对报告内容有清晰的把握。在照顾大框架介绍的同时,Byeungwoo Jeon还对其中的一些关键进行了介绍,例如采用根据图像的纹理复杂度自适应的进行抽样率调整,在环路滤波中采用一种加权滤波的方式取消DCT和IDCT变换步骤,进而加快运算速度减少功耗。


  Byeungwoo Jeon教授的分享不但帮助我校师生了解了编码技术的前沿热点,隐含在报告中的一些洞见也对师生们的科研工作有所启迪。在互动环节,我校师生就一些可能的创新点与Jeon教授进行了交流探讨。



  Prof. Byeungwoo Jeon received the B.S. (magna cum laude) and M.S. degrees, both from the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA, in 1992. He worked in the Signal Processing Laboratory, Samsung Electronics, Korea, from 1993 to 1997 for research and development of video compression algorithms, the design of digital broadcasting satellite receivers, and other MPEG-related research for multimedia applications. He served as the Project Manager of Digital TV and Broadcasting with the Korean Ministry of Information and Communications from 2004 to 2006 for supervising all digital TV-related R&D in Korea. Since 1997, he is in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan Univ. where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include multimedia signal processing, video compression, statistical pattern recognition, and remote sensing. He is a senior member of IEEE, and member of the International Society for Optics and Photonics, the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, and the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers. He also serves IEEE as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting since 2011. He was a recipient of the IEEK Haedong Paper Award in the Signal Processing Society, Korea, in 2005.

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