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学者论坛:The Theory of Public Value - A Critical Assessment
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-03-12 4651


  一、主 题:The Theory of Public Value - A Critical Assessment

  二、主讲人:卡内基梅隆大学澳洲校区(CMUA ) Timothy O'Loughlin教授

  三、时 间:2017年3月16日(周四)16:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区综合楼401

  五、主持人:政管学院  赵蜀蓉教授     


  Under the leadership of Professor Mark Moore, the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has championed the concept of mangers in the public sector adding value just as private sector managers add wealth. The concept has drawn a lot of attention, much of it critical of the public value concept as anti-democratic and not capable of being applied outside of the United States. This lecture explains the theory and assesses the strength of the criticisms. It conducts this analysis in a practical context using actual cases to test both the theory and its critics. The aim is to give participants an insight into some techniques for managing in the public sector.


  Timothy O'Loughlin. Professor of the Practice of Public Policy and Senior Director of Academic and Institutional Development.

  Tim O’Loughlin is a highly-rated teacher in CMUA’s Public Policy and Management program. A graduate of Columbia University’s intensive Executive Program in Business Administration with a Masters in Political Science from the University of Melbourne, Tim’s career combines 30 years of experience at senior levels in the public service and in the oil and gas industry.

  In management, Tim has held several senior positions in both public and private sectors, including five years as Chief Executive of the South Australian Government’s Department of Transport and Ur ban Planning. During his tenure as CE, Tim initiated the development of major policies and projects covering areas as diverse as an investment program for public transport in South Australia; new road safety legislation; new freight route investment projects; and reforms to the Government’s land use planning system. Subsequently, as Commissioner for Renewable Energy, Tim led the development of Australia’s first solar feed-in scheme; produced investment attraction policies which helped South Australia to become one of the world’s leading provinces for renewable energy; developed policy for the South Australian government’s Green Power purchases; and led preparation of one of the first pieces of climate change legislation in the world. He was also Deputy Chief Executive for Sustainability and Workforce Management in the Department of Premier and Cabinet of South Australia. Before joining the Government, Tim worked in a variety of commercial roles at Santos Ltd, one of Australia’s top 30 companies.






编辑:胡武辉  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:一戈