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名师讲堂:Multimedia Search: From Academic Exercise to Practical Deployment
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-03-30 4396


  “名师讲堂”第61期活动特别邀请IEEE Fellow 、2012年ACM 推荐系统会议最佳论文奖、 2015ACM多媒体国际会议多媒体大挑战奖和2010年ACM娱乐系统分析挑战赛总冠军的获得者,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Alan Hanjalic教授主讲,欢迎广大师生参与。具体安排如下:

  一、主 题:Multimedia Search: From Academic Exercise to Practical Deployment

  二、主讲人:IEEE Fellow、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 Alan Hanjalic教授     

  三、时 间:2017年4月2日(周日)上午9:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区图书馆大型视听阅览室(光影厅)

  五、主持人:计算机科学与工程学院│大媒体计算中心 申恒涛教授 


  This talk will address the issues that are critical for successful adoption of multimedia information retrieval (MIR) technology, and specifically multimedia search, by users and society. It will highlight the utility gap that the multimedia information retrieval community still needs to bridge in order to move from being technology-inspired to also being utility-centered. The talk will cover relevant developments and discussions in the field and explain the issues related to the utility gap on a number of examples from previous research. Specifically, the way of selecting and evaluating the MIR research approaches and the maximization of the value of the MIR solutions for each individual user will be discussed.


  Alan Hanjalic is a professor of computer science and head of the Multimedia Computing Group at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. His research interests and expertise are in the fields of multimedia information retrieval and recommender systems, in which he (co-)authored more than 150 publications, including three books. In 2012, he was awarded the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Chair, which is “reserved for the best young scientists at the Delft University of Technology” (quote: TU Delft). He is also co-recipient of the Best Paper Award at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2012, of the Multimedia Grand Challenge Award at the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia) 2015 and of the Overall Winner Award at the ACM RecSys 2010 CAMRa Challenge. In 2016, he was named IEEE Fellow for his contribution to the field of multimedia information retrieval.

  Prof. Hanjalic is Associate Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE MultiMedia Magazine. He was appointed by the IEEE Signal Processing Society as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2014-2016) and he was also an elected member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Signal Processing (2011-2013). Prof. Hanjalic has served as a member of editorial boards of several scientific journals, among which the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2006-2014), the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2010-2016), ACM Transactions on Multimedia (since 2015) and the Springer International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (since 2011). In addition, Prof. Hanjalic has also served on the organizing committees of major conferences in the multimedia field, including the ACM Multimedia (General Chair 2009 and 2016, Program Chair 2007 and 2014), IEEE ICME (Program Chair 2012), ACM ICMR (Program Chair 2011) and ACM CIVR (Program Chair 2008). Prof. Hanjalic was a Keynote Speaker at the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2013, International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 2012, and at the Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Hong-Kong, December 2007.





编辑:胡武辉  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤