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文:唐小青 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-05-25 4599


  一、时 间:2017年5月26日(周五)14:00

  二、地 点:清水河校区主楼B2-801


  四、承办单位:航空航天学院 电子科技大学博士后联谊会



  (1)主 题:Probabilistic Competing Failure Analysis in Body Sensor Networks

  (2)主讲人:王玉洁 机械电子工程学院博士后


  Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) have been developed to provide real-time, ubiquitous health monitoring and diagnosis for human beings.Due to their life-critical applications, it is significant to model and evaluate reliability of BSNs.  A challenge is to consider probabilistic competing failures of different BSN components.  Particularly there exists a competition in the time domain between the propagated failure of a biomedical sensor (e.g., due to jamming attacks) and the local failure of a relay node (e.g., due to transmission malfunction).  Different failure orderings can lead to dramatically different BSN statuses. In this talk a combinatorial method is proposed to address such competing failure behavior in the reliability analysis of BSNs.


  Yujie Wang currently works as a post-doc in School of Mechatronics Engineering at UESTC. She received her PhD degree in Computer Engineering from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA, and got her B.E. and M.E. degrees both in Information Security from Southwest Jiaotong University, China, in 2007 and 2010 respectively.  Her research interests include reliability analysis of complex systems and wireless multimedia authentication.



  (2)主讲人:陈亮 自动化工程学院博士后


  近年来,由于受到资本的再次追捧,集成了当前最新科技的各类头戴显示设备(HMD),如Google Glass、Oculus Rift、HoloLens、HTC Vive等,陆续走出科研机构和高新企业的实验室,作为一股代表未来消费趋势的新生力量涌入电子消费品市场。随之而来的是虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)、混合现实或介导现实(MR)等原本仅出现在计算机科学相关领域学术会议、学术刊物上的术语,充斥在各类大众传媒的财经、投资、消费、科技等频道,成为社会各界人士讨论的热点话题。作为一次带有科普性质的讲座,本报告将简要讲述头戴显示设备与VR等计算机技术的前世今生,展示相关技术的未来发展空间与若干现存问题,描绘科学家与企业家在该领域的终极愿景。




  (1)主 题:Signal Waveform Optimization for High Efficiency RF Amplification

  (2)主讲人:张翔引 航空航天学院博士后 


  In modern communication systems, the transmit signals have wide instantaneous bandwidth and large dynamic envelopes, which makes RF power amplifiers (PAs) operate at the large back-off power with low power efficiency, resulting in energy waste and system cost increase. In this discussion, we focus on the topic of Signal Waveform Optimization for High Efficiency RF Amplification, which contains three parts:(i)the new optimization criterion for the input signals of RF PA;(ii) optimization methods for PA input signals based on the distortion less technique;(iii)optimization methods for PA input signals based on the distortion techniques.


  Xiangyin Zhang received his PhD degree in communication and information system from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2016. He currently works as a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of UESTC. Her research interests include advanced signal processing techniques, wireless communication systems and wireless Ad Hoc network.



编辑:胡武辉  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤