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物电论坛:RCS Enhancement Techniques
文:物电研究生科 来源:原物理电子学院 时间:2017-06-13 3941

  作为第二届“研究生人文教育与学术交流月”系列讲座之一,物电论坛第731期特别邀请IEEE Fellow、新加坡南洋理工大学沈忠祥副教授主讲,具体安排如下:

  主 题:RCS Enhancement Techniques

  主讲人:沈忠祥 副教授(IEEE Fellow, 新加坡南洋理工大学)

  时 间:2017年6月16日(周五)15:00

  地 点:沙河校区二教306

  主持人:物电学院 肖绍球 教授


  Advanced development in the RCS enhancement techniques. A highly effective method for enhancing the backscattering by a conducting cylinder that is coated with a gradient metasurface.


  Zhongxiang Shen has been an associate professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, NTU, since Jan. 2004. From Jan. 2010 to Aug. 2014, he was the Chair of IEEE AP-S Chapter Activities Committee. He is currently the Secretary of IEEE AP-S and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He has recently been elevated to the IEEE Fellow grade for his contributions to 3D FSS and slot antennas. He has authored or co-authored more than 150 journal papers (among them 90 were published in IEEE Journals) and presented more than 140 conference papers.



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