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学者论坛:15-lipoxygenases and their metabolites in smoking-related non-small cell lung carcinoma
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-06-18 3530


  一、主 题:15-lipoxygenases and their metabolites in smoking-related non-small cell lung carcinoma

  二、主讲人:香港中文大学 George G CHEN 教授

  三、时 间:2017年6月20日(周二)9:00

  四、地 点:沙河校区第一教学楼205报告厅

  五、主持人:医学院 杨正林 院长

  六、 内容简介:

  The purpose of this study was to test whether 15-lipoxygenases (15-LOXs) and their metabolite 15(S)-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (15S-HETE) and 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13S-HODE) could be used as biomarkers for the detection of smoking-induced NSCLC. In this study, we determined the levels of 15-LOX-1, 15-LOX-2, 13S-HODE and 15S-HETE in NSCLC. We found that the levels of 15-LOX-1, 15-LOX-2, 13S-HODE and 15S-HETE were significantly reduced in NSCLC cancer tissue samples. In the mouse lung tumor model induced by cigarette smoking carcinogen NNK, all tumors induced were pathologically confirmed to be NSCLC and tumors were usually formed after 34 weeks of NNK treatment. We found that the reduction of 15-LOXs, 15S-HETE and 13S-HODE in tumor tissues predated the occurrence of lung tumors as the reduction usually occurred at 26 weeks of NNK treatment. We also measured the levels of 15S-HETE and 13S-HODE in serum samples obtained from NSCLC patients and observed that both 15S-HETE and 13S-HODE were markedly reduced in NSCLC, compared with normal healthy subjects.The concentrations of these two molecules in serum were also positively correlated with their levels in the lung cancer tissues. Collectively, our data strongly suggest that serum 15S-HETE and 13S-HODE may serve as early biomarkers for the detection of smoking-related NSCLC.


  George G CHEN is a professor in the Department of Surgery, Director of Surgical Research Laboratories, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. He is also served as a principle investigator at the Hong Kong Cancer Institute. He obtained his bachelor of Medicine, Master of Medicine and PhD from Fujian Medical University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the University of Glasgow, respectively. He has extensive experience in cancer research, particularly in lung and liver cancers. He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers and has written 16 books or book chapters. He is currently a member of editorial boards or a guest editor of a number of scientific journals and a regular peer-reviewer for several grant agents. 





编辑:胡武辉  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤