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“互联网+”产业方向专题系列讲座:数字驱动转型Data Driven Services
文:计算机学院 图:计算机学院 来源:计算机学院 时间:2017-10-26 9584


  一、主 题:Data Driven Services as Sino-German Business Opportunities in Enterprise Modernization Processes

  二、主讲人:Matthias A. Schmitt

  三、时 间:2017年10月27日(周五)10:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区主楼A2区三楼 计算机学院教工之家


  Global Vice President, Head of Best Practices Development for Lines of Business & Industries Solutions. SAP Mannheim Business School & SEM Tongji University.

  LEADING a global Business Unit for Best Practices Development of Cloud business solutions with over 100 experts in Europe, Asia and America across 5 Domains extending business processes integrated with S/4HANA:

  • Workforce (Human Capital Management)

  • Customer Engagement & Commerce

  • Supply Chain Management & Manufacturing, SAP Leonardo IoT, Machine Learning, AI

  • Business Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

  • Industry specific solutions for Retail and Chemicals

  ENGAGED in Digital Transformation

  • Establishing a Best Practices Community for Data-driven Services resp. Smart-Data Services at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Chair of Prof. Maedche)

  • Engaged in the Initiative Digital Transformation with TU Munich (Chair of Prof. Krcmar)


  • 14 years Leadership in various Business Units at SAP, P&L responsibility, leading global and distributed teams

  • 22 years project management of software development & consulting projects


  • Processes and Business Models across Lines of Business and Industries incl. digital transformation

  • Big Data driven services business models, research topic of the EMBA master thesis

  • Effective Leadership

  • Building effective globally collaborating teams in virtual and multi-cultural contexts

  • Design Thinking, Network Thinking





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