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文:唐小青 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-11-13 4937


  一、时 间:2017年11月17日(周五)14:30

  二、地 点:清水河校区经管楼宾诺咖啡






  (1)主题:Downstream firm's investment with equity holding in decentralized assembly systems

  (2)主讲人:付红  经济与管理学院博士后 


  We consider a decentralized assembly system in which n upstream firms sell complementary components to a downstream firm facing a multiplicative stochastic demand. The downstream firm may make an investment to hold equity in an upstream firm. This not only enables the downstream firm to share the profit of the upstream firm as determined by the equity held, but also provides the needed resources for the upstream firm to improve its production efficiency and consequently benefits the entire supply chain system. We characterize the equilibrium pricing and production decisions of all members in such a supply chain, under any given investment strategy of the downstream firm. Furthermore, we derive the optimal investment strategy for the downstream firm. We find that the investment by the downstream firm helps reduce the retail price and increase the production quantity. We consider two distinct decision settings: upstream Stackelberg and downstream Stackelberg, to examine the impacts on the profits of all chain members by the investment decision of the downstream firm. Finally, we check the robustness of key results by considering additive stochastic demand, other two compensation schemes, capacity constraint, and a new downstream Stackelberg setting, respectively, and obtain some useful insights.




  (1)主题:Good News, Bad News, and Simultaneous Disclosure

  (2)主讲人:朱丹  经济与管理学院博士后


  The China Securities Regulatory Commission allows an overlapping legal disclosure period between the annual report of one year and the first quarter report of following year which offers a unique opportunity to empirically investigate whether managers strategically release these two reports simultaneously. We find that managers tend to release them simultaneously to hide the bad earnings news and disclose them separately to distinguish the good earnings news because market can better interpret the information content of earnings news if the annual report and the subsequent first quarter report are released separately. Our results also suggest that managers of firms with bad earnings news appear to delay the initial booking disclosure date of their annual report and advance the following first quarter report, we argue, to achieve the simultaneous disclosure. We further find that managers are more likely to make simultaneous disclosure on low attention days to hide the bad earnings news better. Our paper has implications for standard setters, regulators, investors and academic researchers.


  Dan Zhu is a post-doctor in School of Management and Economics, UESTC. She got her PhD degree from Bangor University in 2016. Her research interest is behavior finance, especially, expectation formation and strategic timing of earnings announcements. Her papers have been accepted by many conferences. For example, British Accounting and Finance Association, Behavioral Finance Working Group, and International Symposium on Forecasting. One of her papers has been awarded by 34thInternationalSymposium on Forecasting and thirdly revised and resubmitted to International Journal of Forecasting.



  (2)主讲人:张龙鹏  政治与公共管理学院博士后







  (2)主讲人:陈涛  经济与管理学院博士后







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