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学者论坛:High-Dimensional Nonparametric ODE Models for Dynamic Gene Regulation Networks
文:数学学院 教师发展中心 来源:数学学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-03-23 5269


  一、主 题:High-Dimensional Nonparametric ODE Models for Dynamic Gene Regulation Networks

  二、主讲人:美国内华达大学 鹿涛 副教授

  三、时 间:2018年3月26日(周一)16:20-17:20

  四、地 点:清水河校区主楼A1-407

  五、主持人:数学科学学院 孔婀芳 教授


  The gene regulation network (GRN) is a high-dimensional complex system, which can be represented by various mathematical or statistical models. The ordinary differential equation (ODE) model is one of the popular dynamic GRN models. High-dimensional linear ODE models have been proposed to identify GRNs, but with a limitation of the linear regulation effect assumption. In this talk, I present a nonparametric ODE models, coupled with the two-stage smoothing-based ODE estimation methods and adaptive group LASSO techniques, to model dynamic GRNs that could flexibly deal with nonlinear regulation effects.  The method has sound theoretical properties and some benefits in computational efficiency and estimation accuracy. An example for identifying the nonlinear dynamic GRN of T-cell activation is used to illustrate the application of this model.



  近五年来,发表SCI论文38篇(多数为第一及通讯作者),发表的杂志包括统计学的知名期刊Journal of the American Statistical Association(2篇)以及统计学的权威期刊Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Annals of Applied StaStatistics等,研究成果获得同行的广泛关注与认可。先后受邀在10th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics、Statistics and Computational Interface to Big Data等国际会议上作邀请报告。主持承担200万元的科研项目,同时担任统计学期刊Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics和Biometrical Journal的副主编以及PLOS ONE和PEERJ的主编, 并担任美国宇航局宇航员健康研究项目生物统计评审,以及众多学术期刊的审稿人。






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