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学者论坛:Migrants and Regional Governance in European and Chinese Cities
文:公共管理学院 教师发展中心 来源:公管学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-03-23 4331


  一、主 题:Migrants and Regional Governance in European and Chinese Cities

  二、主讲人:英国利兹大学 Adrian C. Favell 教授

  三、时 间:2018年3月27日(周二)13:00

  四、地 点:清水河校区综合楼401

  五、主持人:公共管理学院 赵蜀蓉 教授     


  Our lecture explores the relevance of European-Chinese comparison in migration and regional studies, taking the European Union and China as the regional units of comparison. The European Union is a unique governance experiment in the free movement of persons, enabling citizens of member states as EU citizen to live, work, study, and retire freely across national borders, as well as claim certain key welfare rights as non-national residents. A key part of this legal framework has been the application of a principle of non-discrimination by nationality – whose successful application varies according to the varieties of capitalism present in Europe. Economically, the policies have benefitted major cities (such as London) at the expense of peripheral regions less integrated into the international economy, and more liberal economies (such as the UK). With Brexit, and the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, the EU may move to a system closer to the Chinese Hukou system where mobility and welfare rights remain attached, and/or migration is controlled by the state. In this light, China can be seen as moving slowly towards a more efficient distribution of population through facilitating regional to urban popular migrations, which necessarily may involve adopting some similar principles of rights and non-discrimination for newcomers. In practice, this varies by city and region. We will consider what can be mutually learned from the comparison of these two regional political economies of labour migration.


  Professor Adrian Favell, Chair in Sociology and Social Theory & Internationalisation Officer, School of Sociology and Social Policy, the University of Leeds. Professor Favell is a well-known sociologist on migration and cities. Prior to Leeds, He has worked as professor at UCLA in the US, Sciencen Po in France, and Aarhus University in Denmark. Research fields: Migration, Cities, Regional Integration, Social & Political Theory.






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