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名师讲堂:Compulsivity, addiction and OCD: Aberrant learning and fronto-striatal dysregulation
文:生命学院 教师发展中心 来源:生命学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-03-28 5502


  一、主 题:强迫行为、成瘾障碍和强迫症的相关机制——异常学习与前额-纹状体失调

  二、主讲人:英国皇家学会会员、剑桥大学行为和临床神经科学研究院院长 Trevor W. Robbins教授

  三、时 间:2018年4月2日(周一)10:00-11:00

  四、地 点:清水河校区综合楼401学术报告厅

  五、主持人:Keith Kendrick教授


  Impulsivity and compulsivity represent complementary cases of dysexecutive control, of considerable relevance to psychiatry. Whilst there has been intense focus on the dimensional construct of impulsivity, compulsivity has received far less attention. A working definition of compulsivity is of actions persisting inappropriate to the situation, having no obvious relationship to the ultimate goal and often resulting in undesirable consequences. This definition can be dissected neuropsychologically in several ways which I will illustrate by describing behavioural, computational and neuroimaging studies in two prototypical and devastating disorders of compulsivity, stimulant drug addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). One notion is that compulsive behavior is uncontrolled and excessive habitual responding at the expense of adaptive goal-seeking ehavior. Habits are governed by stimulus-response representations that do not involve goals or rewards. These two forms of behavioural control have been characterized by studies in experimental animals and humans indicating mediation by distinct, though interactive, fronto-striatal systems. Hypothetically, addiction and OCD represent imbalance in these neural systems for goal-directed and habitual ehavior. I will examine several different ways of testing this hypothesis in stimulant drug abusers and patients with OCD and make comparisons indicating common, as well as distinctive, features of the two disorders. I will explore the implications of this research for causal accounts of ehavior including psychopathology, new therapeutic approaches, and the functional organization of fronto-striatal systems in the brain and their chemical neuromodulation.


  Trevor William Robbins教授,英国皇家学会会员,英国医学科学院院士,剑桥大学行为和临床神经科学研究院院长,认知神经科学和实验心理学教授。前剑桥大学心理学部部长(2002-2017年)。1975年获剑桥大学心理学博士学位,是英国心理学会、英国药理学学会、欧洲达纳脑研究联盟(EDAB)等多个组织的核心成员。曾任英国心理药理学学会主席、欧洲行为药理学学会主席。于2012年获英女王接见并授予“大英帝国司令勋章”(CBE)。

  Robbins教授是全球100位高被引神经科学家之一,已发表学术论文800多篇,H指数220,论文引用超过15万次(谷歌学术)。出版8部专著,是Science等11部期刊的编辑部顾问,Psychopharmacology和Current Opinion in the Behavioral Sciences等多部期刊的主编,以及Scientific Reports等多本期刊的编委会成员。获得众多国际奖项,包括美国心理学会杰出科学贡献奖、欧洲行为药理学学会杰出贡献奖、英国心理药理学学会终身成就奖、爱思维尔行为脑研究奖、美国生物精神病学学会金奖、精神分裂症研究奖(Robert Sommer Award)、神经科学学会杰出科学家等等,并在医学研究委员会(MRC)、神经科学学会(SfN)、英国皇家学会等国际众多机构和组织中身兼要职,担任英国和国际多个科学研究基金评委会成员。






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