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名师讲堂:Early detection and improving cognition and motivation in neuropsychiatric disorders
文:生命学院 教师发展中心 来源:生命学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-03-28 4901


  一、主 题:神经精神障碍的早期检测及认知和动机的改善

  二、主讲人:英国剑桥大学 Barbara J. Sahakian教授(英国医学研究院院士) 

  三、时 间:2018年4月2日(周一)11:00-12:00

  四、地 点:清水河校区综合楼401学术报告厅

  五、主持人: Keith Kendrick教授


  Psychiatric disorders are disorders of cognition, motivation and their interaction (Sahakian, 2014). Many psychiatric disorders are of neurodevelopmental origin with an onset or prodromal stage in childhood or adolescence. Cognitive manifestations include: attentional biases, aberrant learning, memory impairments, dysfunctional reward systems; and lack of top down cognitive control by prefrontal cortex. Recent neuroscience and mental health policy has emphasized the importance of successful and resilient neurodevelopment. (Beddington et al 2008; Sahakian et al 2010; Collins et al 2011). Therefore biomarkers, including cognitive, genetic and neuroimaging ones, are needed for prevention, early detection and for assessing the efficacy of treatments (Nathan et al 2017). Policy has also emphasized the importance of novel approaches to drug development for psychiatric disorders (Insel, Sahakian et al 2012; National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine 2015). For example, targets for treatment may become closely related to genetics and neurobiology (eg impulsivity, episodic memory) rather than diagnostic categories (eg ADHD, schizophrenia) (Sahakian et al 2010; Insel et al 2010; Insel et al, 2013). A treatment which reduces impulsive behaviour might do so whether an individual has a diagnosis of mania, ADHD or substance abuse, and treatment of episodic memory problems might prove useful for improving cognition and functional outcome in both mild Alzheimer’s disease and first-episode schizophrenia (Sahakian et al 2010). It is now recognised that cognitive problems impair the everyday functioning of patients with mental health disorders and prove the biggest barrier to rehabilitation and return to paid employment (Beddington et al 2008). Therefore cognitive enhancing drugs are needed to treat cognitive impairment thereby improving the quality of life and wellbeing for patients and their families and reducing the financial burden on society (Beddington et al 2008; Fineberg et al., 2013). Pharmacological treatments may prove most effective when used in combination with cognitive ones, such as cognitive behavioural therapy or cognitive training (Sahakian, 2014; Savulich et al 2017; Sahakian et al 2015).

  In changing the framework by moving to early detection and early effective treatment, we can stop many of these mental health disorders becoming debilitating, chronic and relapsing. Using these novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches, we can ensure that patients with neuropsychiatric disorders have better quality of life, functionality and wellbeing.


  Barbara J. Sahakian教授是国际著名的临床神经心理学研究者,任职于剑桥大学精神病学系,以及行为及临床神经科学研究院。英国医学研究院院士、大不列颠学会会员(Fellow of the British Academy),前英国心理药理学学会主席、前国际神经伦理学学会主席。

  Sahakian教授在心理药理学、神经心理学、神经精神病学、神经成像和神经伦理学领域享有重要声誉,发表学术论文400多篇,H指数135,论文引用超过6万2千次(谷歌学术)。其代表性研究成果为抑郁症的“冷”“热”认知受损,以及阿尔兹海默症的早起诊断及治疗(胆碱酯酶抑制剂)。出版学术著作Bad Moves(牛津大学出版社,2013)、 Sex, Lies, & Brain Scans(牛津大学出版社,2017)等,是《牛津神经伦理学手册》的编辑。研发了认知研究领域的重要神经心理学测试工具CANTAB和EMOTICOM,是剑桥大学PEAK记忆训练(Wizard game)的创始人之一。






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