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物理论坛:Everything You Can Do With Vector Nonlinear Microwave Measurements
文:物理学院研究生科 来源:物理学院 时间:2018-05-02 3863

  由物理学院主办的物理论坛第16期邀请到IEEE-MTT Distinguished Lecturer-Prof.Patrick Roblin来校进行学术交流。具体安排如下,欢迎师生们参加! 

  主 题:Everything You Can Do With Vector Nonlinear Microwave Measurements

  主讲人:IEEE-MTT Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Patrick Roblin

  时 间:2018年5月7日(周一)14:30

  地 点:沙河校区物理大楼204会议室


  The advent of nonlinear vector network analyzers (NVNA) has stimulated the introduction of new paradigms in microwave engineering for (1) the measurement, (2) the modeling and (3) the design of nonlinear microwave circuits such as microwave power amplifiers and oscillators.

  This talk will start with a review of vector large-signal microwave measurements for the acquisition of the phases and amplitudes of the multi-harmonic incident and reflected waves at the ports of a nonlinear device. The various types of NVNA architecture available, the procedure used to calibrate them and the calibration traceability will be presented. Next the behavioral models used for the representation of the measured multi-tone multi-harmonic data will be reviewed.

  Circuit-based nonlinear microwave models can also be directly extracted from large signal measurements for a targeted range of operation. Examples of SOS-MOSFET and GaN models extracted and verified using a few real-time active load pull (RTALP) measurements will be presented.

  NVNA’s also find application in the design of power amplifiers (PA). The verification of the resulting amplifier power efficiency optimization can then be performed using NVNA measurements. Examples of such design for Doherty and Chireix amplifiers will be presented.

  Finally in addition to CW signals, pulsed or modulated signals can also be measured by NVNAs. Recent techniques reported for low-duty rate pulsed and modulated RF NVNA measurements will then be reviewed to shine new light in the time-varying response of transistors excited by high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) modulated signals.


  Prof. Patrick Roblin received the Maîtrise de Physique degree from the L' Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, in 1980, and the D.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington University, St. Louis, MO, in 1984 where he worked with Prof. Marcel Muller and Fred. Rosenbaum. In 1984, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, OH where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include the measurement, modeling, design and linearization of non-linear RF devices and circuits such as power-amplifiers, oscillators and modulators. He authored and co-authored two textbooks published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). He is the founder of the NonLinear RF research lab at OSU. He has developed two educational RF/microwave laboratories and associated courses for training both senior undergraduate and graduate students. He is an active member of the ARFTG (Automatic Radio Frequency Technical Group) where he is currently responsible for the ARFTG/IMS Workshops, and co-organizes the NVNA users’ group forum. He organized the ARFTG82 conference in Columbus, Ohio in November 2013.



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