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学术沙龙:All-solid-state lithium metal batteries with high energy density
文:教师发展中心 来源:材料学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-05-13 4019


  一、主 题:All-solid-state lithium metal batteries with high energy density  

  二、主讲人:上海科技大学 刘巍 研究员

  三、时 间:2018年5月14日(周一)14:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区研究院大楼304A

  五、主持人:材料与能源学院 林彬 教授


  Considerable effort has been dedicated to improving current rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and to developing new materials, owing to the ever-increasing demand for high-performing, safe and economical energy storages for various applications.An exciting research direction is on solid Li-ion electrolyte, which has large electrochemical stability window and improved safety in comparison to conventional liquid electrolyte with leakage, flammability and poor chemical stability issues. In addition, solid electrolyte can offer one of the most promising approaches to suppress Li metal dendrite to enable the “holy grail” high-energy lithium metal batteries. However, realization of such a composite solid electrolyte with ionic conductivity comparable to a liquid electrolyte remains a significant challenge. In this talk, I will introduce a composite polymer electrolyte with inorganic Li+-conductive nanowires, which shows three orders of magnitude enhancement in ionic conductivity. More results reveal that aligned nanowires could further increase conductivity due to a continuous fast ion-conducting pathway on the nanowire without crossing junctions. In addition, the approaches by using interface layer to prevent Li dendrite will be also indicated in this talk.  


  刘巍,上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院助理教授、研究员、博士生导师。2008年于北京师范大学获得理学学士学位,2013年于清华大学材料学院获得工学博士学位,博士期间在日本东京大学交流访学。2013-2017年在美国斯坦福大学从事博士后研究。研究工作涉及高能量密度全固态锂电池、固体氧化物燃料电池以及柔性电子器件等领域。已发表学术论文47篇,以一作/共同一作身份发表包括Nature Energy、Nature Communications、Science Advances、Advanced Materials、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Nano Letters、ACS Nano等21篇。受邀担任Joule、Nano Letters、Nano Energy、Journal of Power Sources等期刊的审稿人。






编辑:罗莎  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤