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文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2015-04-27 4574


  “名师讲堂”第7期活动邀请了IEEE FELLOW、北卡罗莱纳州立大学Joel Trussell教授以及长江学者特聘教授马建国主讲,欢迎广大师生参与。具体安排如下:

  时 间:2015年4月29日(周三)上午9:00

  地 点:沙河校区一教104

  主 题:精准色彩成像与物联网工业4.0





报告一:Color Imaging for Accurate Color

主讲人:Professor Joel TrussellIEEE FELLOW)


  The term colorimetric imaging is used to describe the process of recording an image where the pixels represent quantitatively accurate color information. This talk will give the background for colorimetric imaging, why it is important, the hardware and software currently in use and the research problems that are of interest.

  Accurate color recording requires much more than three channels of red, green and blue. Although the eye has only three bands of color sensors in the cones of the retina, this does not mean that an instrument needs only three channels to measure color. Color is more complex and is the result of a continuous spectrum of energy from about 400nm to 700 nm in wavelength. In order to accurately record the color of an object, we need to sample this spectrum with sufficient resolution to reproduce the effects of lighting on the appearance of the scene or object.  In addition to maintaining the accurate appearance of objects, the accurate recording of the spectrum is required for many applications, ranging from medical diagnoses to pattern recognition and tracking to quality control of textile and food processing.


  Joel Trussell received degrees from Georgia Tech (BS), Florida State (MS) and the University of New Mexico (PhD). He began working in the image and signal processing in 1971. He is currently a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. During 1978-79, he was a visiting professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland where he worked with both the university and with industry on image processing problems. During 1988-89, he was a visiting scientist at the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, NY and 1997-98 was a visiting scientist at Color Savvy Systems in Springboro, OH. He was a Visiting Fellow Commoner at Trinity College Cambridge University in 2007 and a visiting scientist with Hewlett-Packard Labs in 2008. From 2002 to 2010, he served as Director of Graduate Programs for the ECE Department. He is a past associate editor for the Transactions on ASSP and the Signal Processing Letters. He is a past chairman of and long serving on the Image and Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing Committee of the Signal Proceesing Society of the IEEE. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the IEEE, where he has been on the editorial board is 2006. He is Fellow of the IEEE and has shared the IEEE-ASSP Society Senior Paper Award (1986 with M.R. Civanlar) and the IEEE-SP Society Paper Award (1993 with P.L. Combettes). He is the author of two texts: Fundamentals of Digital Imaging (with M. J. Vrhel) and Mathematics: The Language of Electrical and Computer Engineering (with Y. Viniotis).



主讲人:长江学者特聘教授  马建国




  马建国教授,“自然科学杰出青年基金”获得者(2006);人事部“百千万人才工程”国家级人选(2006);2007年第九批长江学者特聘教授;PROCEEDINGS OF IEEE(SCI一区)编委;曾任IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters副主编;天津市集成电路与计算系统工程中心主任;天津市集成电路设计中心技术总监;天津大学青岛海洋工程研究院院长;天津大学—英国Strathclyde大学图像信号处理联合研究中心主任;电子学会物联网专家技术委员会委员;IEEE大学计划委员会理事(Member of IEEE University Program ad hoc Committee);加拿大Carleton大学兼职教授。主要从事射频集成电路与微波单片集成电路、微波与毫米波系统、RFID与无线传感器网络、混合信号集成系统、工业物联网与工业智能化研究,在此领域发表SCI源期刊论文121篇(其中IEEE论文48篇)、英文书两本、美国授权RFIC专利六项、中国授权/公示专利13项。



编辑:林坤  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:一戈