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学术报告:National Scenario of the Development of Microwave Tubes
文:段兆云 来源:电子学院 时间:2018-06-19 3502

  电子科学与工程学院邀请来自印度Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions的B. N. Basu教授来校进行学术交流。具体安排如下:

  主 题:National Scenario of the Development of Microwave Tubes

  主讲人:B. N. Basu 教授

  时 间:2018年6月20日(周三)10:30

  地 点:沙河校区逸夫楼521

  主持人:电子科学与工程学院 段兆云 教授


  B. N. Basu received the Ph.D. degree in Radiophysics and Electronics from Calcutta University. He was Professor and Head, Electronics Engineering Department and Coordinator, Centre of Research in Microwave Tubes (CRMT) at Banaras Hindu University, India. He served as President of the Vacuum Electron Devices and Application Society (VEDAS), India. He has authored/co-authored more than a hundred research papers in journals (including 37 in IEEE Transactions) and 6 monograph chapters, in the area of microwave tubes. He has authored four books including the recent one fore-worded by Professor EdlSchamiloglu. He took visiting research/lecture assignments at various institutions. He is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. He was member, Technical Committee on Vacuum Electronic Devices of IEEE Electron Devices Society. He is recipient of SVC Aiya Memorial Award of IETE, Lifetime Achievement Award of VEDAS, and ISM Microwave Pioneer Award, all of India.


  Microwave tubes (MWTs), despite competitive excursion from solid state devices, constitute the backbones of communication (including satellite communication), radar, electronic warfare, information warfare, missile tracking and guidance, remote sensing, material processing, domestic and industrial heating. MWTs are also used in fusion plasma heating, long-distance radar, high resolution radar imaging and precision tracking, particle accelerator, terahertz imaging, security inspection, imaging in atmospheric and planetary science, space debris phased-array mapping, analysis of cloud, etc. MWTs find use in microwave life detection systems, waste remediation, civil, mining and public health engineering¾including breaking of rock, breaking of concrete, tunnel boring and soil treatment, and atmospheric purification of Freon and ozone generation.

  India is engaged in improving the performance development of conventional MWTs such as in developing high efficiency space-TWTs and wideband EW TWTs. It has initiated work in multi-beam klystron. R&D is being carried out in the area of IREB-based MWTs such as VIRCATOR. Some attempts are being made to accrue the advantages of both vacuum and solid-state devices in the development of micro-fabricated vacuum microelectronic tubes such as the folded-wave TWT. The development of fast-wave tube, namely, gyrotron, has been initiated in a multi-institutional project. Initial work has been done in developing the plasma-assisted PASOTRON.

  One of the CSIR laboratories, namely, CEERI, Pilani and, similarly, one of the DRDO laboratories, namely, MTRDC, Bangalore are engaged in developing various ranges of MWTs. BEL is the only manufacturer of MWTs in India. SAMEER, Mumbai also develops medical LINACs, which are closely related to MWTs, for medical purposes. In academics, theoretical basic research has been carried out by IIT-BHU, Varanasi in the area of helix TWTs as well as gyrotrons and gyro-TWTs and by IIT-Roorkee in the area of gyrotrons. SAMEER, Mumbai has recently established a center for developing MWTs. In INDIA a society, called VEDAS, has been formed to serve the interest of MWT community in India.





编辑:王晓刚  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:陈伟