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机电论坛:A Game Model for Performance-Based Maintenance Design with Asymmetric Information
文:周晓倩 来源:机电学院 时间:2018-06-21 4411

  主 题:A Game Model for Performance-Based Maintenance Design with Asymmetric Information

  主讲人:美国德州州立大学 Tongdan Jin教授

  时 间:2018年6月22日(周五)14:30 - 16:00

  地 点:清水河校区主楼C1-213


  As product and services are increasingly integrated, maintenance contracting is transitioning from traditional time- and material-based program to performance-based delivery model. This paradigm shift enables the manufacturers to maximize the service profit by attaining required system availability goal, while the customers can lower the asset ownership cost with ensured reliability performance. A main challenge in implement a performance-based maintenance program has to do with the so-called moral hazard issue in which one player is more likely to take risks because the resulting costs are borne by the other. We propose a principal-agent game model to maximize the utilities of all the stakeholders. The goals are achieved by optimizing the maintenance policy, spare parts inventory, and repair capacity under asymmetric information between the manufacturer and the customer. We prove that the actions of the supplier and the customer are fully observable among each other. Hence a first-best solution is guaranteed without moral hazard issue. Numerical studies from wind industry show that a single multi-item contract could be advantageous over multiple single-item contracts as it ensures a higher profit margin at a lower customer’s cost.


1.png  Dr. Tongdan Jin is an Associate Professor in The Ingram School of Engineering at Texas State University. Prior to academia, he was a senior reliability engineer in Teradyne, Boston, between 2001 and 2006. In that capacity, he managed the reliability growth of semiconductor test equipment for global high-tech industries, including Intel, Samsung, IBM and AMD. He obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, both from Rutgers University, USA. His BS degrees in Automation Engineering is Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xian, China. His research has been published in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, and IISE Transactions, among others. He is the author of the book “Reliability Engineering and Services” which will be published by Wiley & Sons in December 2018. He is a recipient of Evans-McElroy best conference paper in 2014 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. His research is funded by US National Science Foundation and the US Department of Education. His current research focus is on reliability modeling and optimization, engineering resilience, and zero-carbon supply chain operation. Currently, he also serves as the Area Editor of IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability.



编辑:王晓刚  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:陈伟