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学术报告:Wind Turbine Gearbox Modeling and Analysis & Rotor-Stator Rub Identification
文:周晓倩 来源:机电学院 时间:2018-06-24 4036

  本次活动邀请印度理工学院德里分校Ashish Kamalakar Darpe教授来校交流,又将带来两场学术报告,具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。


  主 题:Wind Turbine Gearbox Modeling and Analysis

  时 间:2018年6月26日(周二)14:30-16:00

  地 点:清水河校区主楼C1-213


  主 题:Rotor-Stator Rub Identification

  时 间:2018年6月27日(周三)14:30-16:00

  地 点:清水河校区主楼C1-213



  The wind turbine gearbox comprises a planetary gear stage with 3 or 4 planets, a sun and ring gear. The dynamics of such a gear box is modelled using Lagrange approach and governing equations of motion derived. A crack in the planet gear is modelled with appropriate stiffness reduction. The resulting dynamic signal is used to generate a residual signal by subtracting the signal from the healthy condition. The spectral characteristics of the filtered signal is found suitable to diagnose gear tooth damage. This talk will also highlight the current research work on gear tooth pitting detection in a parallel stage gearbox.


  Due to ever-increasing demand on high power density mechanical systems, the rotors are becoming more flexible and clearances between rotor and stator more tighter. This leads to an unavoidable contact between the rotor and stator. There has been a lot of research in modelling such contact using a static stator boundary. However, the realistic condition involves dynamic stator boundary due to impacting rotor inducing dynamic stator motion. The talk would highlight how the dynamic two way interaction between the rotor and stator could shed light on the reasons and conditions for which the rotor exhibits period-n and quasiperiodic response. Experimental validation of the numerical simulations are discussed including the use of torsional vibration signals for rub detection.


  Dr. Ashish K Darpe is a professor of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India. His teaching interests include Mechanical Vibrations, Rotor Dynamics, and Noise Engineering. His research interests include Vibration based Condition Monitoring, Fault modeling and Diagnosis of machine elements, Rotor Dynamics, and Aeroacoustics. He has been involved in various sponsored research projects and industrial consultancy work. He has completed 8 sponsored research projects funded by various agencies including BARC, DST, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to Govt. of India, Naval Science and Technological Laboratories (NSTL, DRDO), European Union, Aeronautical Research and Development Board, and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). He has been consultant to various organizations and industries, notable among them Wartsila Finland Oy., Finland, Powerplate Inc., USA, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Triveni Engineering and Industries Ltd., Laser Science and Technological Laboratories (LASTEC, DRDO), NSTL, Simulator Development Division, Principal Director of Commercial Audit, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi., NBC Bearings, GMR (Delhi International Airport Pvt. Ltd.), etc. and has executed more than 25 consulting projects. He enjoys supervising and working with his research students and together with them, has published 73 research articles in journals and conferences. He has been a member of ARDB Propulsion Panel. Prof. Darpe has been founder Director of a startup company Silverknight Technologies Pvt. Ltd. at IIT Delhi. He has filed two patents.



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