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电子论坛第20期:Crystal Phase Engineering of Novel Nanomaterials
文:倪祖旭 图:倪祖旭 来源:电子学院 时间:2018-06-29 4051


  主 题:Crystal Phase Engineering of Novel Nanomaterials  

  主讲人:张华教授 (新加坡南洋理工大学)

  时 间:2018年7月2日(周一)10:00-11:30

  地 点:沙河校区电子楼(原微固楼)137


  In this talk, Prof. Zhang will summarize the recent research on the crystal phase engineering of nanomaterials in my group. It includes the first-time synthesis of hexagonal-close packed (hcp) Au nanosheets (AuSSs) on graphene oxide, the first-time synthesis of 4H hexagonal phase Au nanoribbons (NRBs), the epitaxial growth of Ag, Pt, Pd, PtAg, PdAg, PtPdAg, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os and Cu with novel 4H phase on the 4H Au NRBs, and the synthesis of 4H/fcc-Au@metal sulfide core-shell NRB heterostructures. In addition, the first-time synthesis of 1T'-MoS2 and 1T'-MoSe2 crystals have been achieved. Moreover, the crystal phase transformation of transition metal dichalcogenide nanomaterials will also be introduced. Currently, my group focuses on the crystal phase-based properties and applications in catalysis, surface enhanced Raman scattering, waveguide, photothermal therapy, chemical and biosensing, etc., which we believe are unique and critically important not only in fundamental study, but also in practical applications. Importantly, the concept of crystal phase heterostructures of nanomaterials is proposed.



  张华,教授,1988年考入南京大学化学系,1992、1995年在南京大学获得学士、硕士学位,1995年开始在北京大学师从刘忠范院士攻读博士学位,1998获得博士学位。1999年开始,先后在比利时鲁汶大学、美国西北大学从事博士后研究工作。现任南洋理工大学教授,从事纳米材料的晶相工程学的研究,包括二维纳米材料和碳材料的制备及其在生物传感、清洁能源等方面的应用研究。张华教授2015年当选亚太材料科学院院士(APAM),主要学术奖励包括入选“全球最有影响力科学思想科学家名录”和“全球高被引科学家”(2014-2017,汤森路透),“17位世界最有影响力科学家” (2014,汤森路透),“19位世界最有影响力科学家”(2015,汤森路透),美国化学学会2015 ACS Nano Lectureship Award (2015),世界文化理事会(WCC)特别奖(2013),Small青年创新奖(2012),南洋杰出研究奖(2011)等。

  张华是Chem Soc Rev、ACS Nano、Chem Mater.、CHEM、Small、Nanoscale、Carbon、ACS AMI、ChemNanoMat、Applied Materials Today、Energy Storage Materials、ACS Omega、NANO等20余种国际知名期刊的编委或顾问编委,2014年当选英国皇家化学学会Fellow(FRSC)。近年来,张华教授在Science (1), Nat. Chem. (5), Nat. Rev. Mater. (3), Nat. Protoc. (1), Nat. Commun. (6), Sci. Adv. (1), Chem. Soc. Rev. (11), Chem Rev. (1), Acc. Chem. Res. (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (14), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (23), Adv. Mater. (39), Nano Lett. (14), ACS Nano (24), Energy Environ. Sci (12)等国际知名期刊上发表论文440余篇,申请专利71件,总被引用超过 48,200次,H-Index高达109。




编辑:罗莎  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟