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电子论坛:More Moore, More than Moore, and Some More
文:倪祖旭 图:倪祖旭 来源:电子学院 时间:2018-07-20 5958

  由电子科学与工程学院主办的“电子论坛”第24期邀请到香港城市大学Hei Wong教授与我校师生共同探讨有关超摩尔定律、先进IC制造工艺、数字智能系统的最新相关研究。具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

  主 题:More Moore, More than Moore, and Some More

  主讲人:香港城市大学 Hei Wong 教授

  时 间:2018年7月23日(周一)10:00-11:00

  地 点:沙河校区电子楼(原微固楼)137会议室


  It is anticipated that the CMOS devices will continue to shrink, in accordance to the Moore’s Law, for some more generations by some additional technology and device structure innovations in the ultimate scale though there should have lots of challenges ahead in every aspect of device structure, material engineering, as well as fabrication technology. A number of “More-than-Moore” strategies have been worked out, without relying on device scaling, to boost the performance of digital intelligence systems. This talk highlights some of these issues with some personal remarks and prospective on the technology development in coming decades.


电子论坛第24期-Hei Wong.jpg

  Hei Wong received his B.Sc. degree in electronics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wong joined the faculty of the Department of Electronic Engineering at City University of Hong Kong in 1989 and is currently a full professor of the Department. He was a visiting professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and a chair professor of Zhejiang University, China.Dr. Wong was the chair for the IEEE ED/SSC Hong Kong Joint Chapter during 2002-2003. He is a member of the international steering committees, technical program committees, and organizing committees for many international and local conferences. Dr. Wong has served as editor or guest editor for many journals including Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. He served as Regional Editor for IEEE EDS Newsletter during 2003-2009. He has served as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE EDS since 2002.

  Dr. Wong has worked on MOS device modeling and characterization, hot-electron effects, low-frequency noise, thin dielectric film physics, IC process modeling and characterization, MOS integrated circuit designs, solid-state sensors. He is author or co-author of four books and over 350 papers including over 170 journal papers and dozen journal review papers.



编辑:林坤  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:陈伟