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通信论坛:Token-based authentication service architecture for IoT environments
文:通信学院 图:通信学院 来源:信通学院 时间:2018-08-29 3826



  讲座题目:Token-based authentication service architecture for IoT environments

  主讲人:台湾成功大学 杨竹星教授


  Internet of things (IoT) refers to billions of interconnected devices that are generally equipped with sensors and communication devices. How to make IoT become a smart terminal is an important topic. By connecting cloud services, the devices can receive more accurate information so as to be applied in peoples daily life. However, the smart terminal devices access the cloud services via RESTful APIs, and how the cloud server authenticates and authorizes billions of devices is an immense challenge. Additionally, individual use of smart terminal devices is accompanied by such problems as privacy data or security. This talk presents a token-based authorization service framework. The devices can have a safer access to cloud services through the token. Token is released by a third-party authentication center to improve its reliability and security, and is featured by a high degree of privacy that sensitive data is not easily leaked. Furthermore, the token is valid only within a period of time or it will not work after the token count exceeds the threshold defined by the system, thereby lowering the devices’ risk of being hacked. The framework proposed in this talk is applied to medical wearable devices. The advantages of this framework will be explained with the experimental results and is practical and secure.



  杨竹星教授研究专长为Software Defined Networking、Network Monitoring/Measurement/Security、Internet of Thing、Intelligent Computing、Mobile Learning,为台湾成功大学电机工程学系教授,曾任国际会议ICS-96程序委员会主席,ICPP-2003和MTPP-2010程序委员会联合主席。杨竹星教授作为台湾高速网路与计算中心副主任参与了台湾高品质学术研究网路(TWAREN)的设计和部署工作,主要研究方向包括智能计算与网络虚拟化等。

编辑:李果  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟