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电子论坛第35期:Nano-Ampere Low-Dropout Regulators for IoT Application
文:倪祖旭 图:倪祖旭 来源:电子学院 时间:2018-09-12 3996


  主 题:Nano-Ampere Low-Dropout Regulators for IoT Application  

  主讲人:路延 博士 澳门大学模拟与混合信号VLSI国家重点实验室

  时 间:2018年9月13日(周四)10:00-11:00

  地 点:沙河校区电子楼(原微固楼)137会议室


  This talk presents three low-dropout regulators (LDOs) with nA quiescent current for internet-of-things (IoT) applications. The proposed LDO1 combines the dynamic current biasing and the adaptive current biasing techniques for drastically reducing the quiescent current to the nA level while achieving fast transient response. Based on LDO1, the proposed LDO2 adds an inverter-based dynamic loop to further improve the transient response. The prototypes are fabricated in a 65-nm low-leakage CMOS process. Measurement results show that LDO1 and LDO2 consume 30 nA and 100 nA quiescent current, respectively, with 1 V input, 0.8 V output.

  A third design is a digitally assisted LDO3 with switched-bias current, and with a dedicated dynamic voltage scaling scheme for the very low duty cycle operation. Also designed in 65nm CMOS process, in active mode, the quiescent current of the regulator is 28μA. And it is reduced to 45nA in sleep mode for the very low duty cycle applications. The simulation results show that the LDO regulator provides 11V/μs reference up-tracking capability, and −20dB worst case power supply ripple rejection across the full spectrum for both modes.


  Yan Lu :He received the PhD degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, in 2013.

  In 2014, he joined the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI of University of Macau as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include, fully-integrated voltage regulators, wireless power transfer circuits and systems.

  Yan authored/co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed technical papers, two books, and three book chapters. Yan was a recipient of several IEEE awards including the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Pre-doctoral Achievement Award 2013-2014, the IEEE CAS Society Outstanding Young Author Award 2017, and the ISSCC 2017 Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper.




编辑:李果  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:陈伟