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文:唐小青 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-10-16 3724


  一、时  间:2018年10月18日(周四)14:30

  二、地  点:沙河校区通信楼818



  主 题:Aun(SR)m纳米分子的手性光学性质理论研究

  主讲人:常乐  基础与前沿研究院博士后



  该报告主要介绍Au36(SR)24和Au30(SR)18两类纳米分子的光学性质,包括光吸收活性和手性光学活性两个方面。针对手性光谱的计算模拟,提出“独立组分追踪图”(ICM)和 “旋光密度图(RSD)”两项分析方法,探索手性光学活性增强/减弱的本质物理原因,探讨增强单分子金属配体层保护的金纳米簇手性光学活性的理论机制,将为手性材料的表征、应用等领域提供理论帮助。


  常乐,2018年6月获得北京化工大学博士学位,现为电子科技大学基础与前沿研究院博士后。博士期间从事金属纳米簇的光学性质理论研究,以及催化应用。博士后阶段,主要展开基于金属纳米簇的光催化反应理论研究,采用第一性原理方法,研究等离子体激发热电子催化化学反应的反应机理。博士期间以第一作者发表论文8篇,包括Nanoscale,J. Chem. Theory Comput.期刊等。


  主 题:p-i-n型钙钛矿太阳能电池器件的制备及其性能研究

  主讲人:刘欣 基础与前沿研究院博士后




  刘欣,2016年6月获得华南理工大学博士学位;博士期间主要设计合成用于OPV器件的给体和受体材料及其器件研究,设计合成用于OLED器件的蓝光小分子材料及其器件研究;2016.7-2017.4成都京东方光电科技有限公司从事OLED显示屏研究;现为电子科技大学基础与前沿研究院博士后。博士期间以第一作者发表论文6篇,包括Journal of Materials Chemistry A,SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, New Journal of Chemistry期刊等。


  主 题:Lab on a Drop

  主讲人:杨金龙  基础与前沿研究院博士后


  Being a miniaturized experimental platform for studying reactions at surface and bulk, droplets hold great advantages over traditional experimental methods. In this talk we introduce two novel droplet based experimental platforms for studying reactions at both interface and bulk phase. In the first part, we introduce a novel constrained drop platform for studying interfacial reaction. Axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) was used as the numerical procedure to determine the surface tension and integrated in a feed-back control algorithm. Taking advantage of accurate and real-time calculation, we developed a sophisticated methodology based on ADSA for manipulating droplets. We have demonstrated the feasibility and advantages of our experimental platform in surface science applications, such as evaporations compensation, simulation of the function of lung surfactant in respiration, and the study of surface rheology. In the second part, we introduce a novel droplet manipulation platform achieved on a superamphiphobic surface. Using dielectrowetting, we show both the static and dynamic behavior of the drop can be tuned in real time. These two methods hold great promise for advancing droplet manipulation in a variety of material and surface science applications, such as study of surface rheology, thin-film materials, control of interfacial reactions, and operation of digital microfluidics.


  Jinlong Yang received his BS. and MS. degrees from the department of Mechanical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He finished his PhD. study in the department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaii in December, 2017. He is currently a postdoc in the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.


  主 题:Research on the Marangoni Condensation of Ethanol-Water Vapor Mixtures

  主讲人:李勇 基础与前沿研究院博士后


  The dropwise condensation is an efficient way for heat transfer which has a higher heat transfer coefficient than that of the film-wise condensation. The traditional  dropwise condensation of pure steam is mainly caused by the surface modification and  dropwise promoter additives, which could not maintain stably for enough time. The dropwise condensation mode formed in the Marangoni condensation of binary mixtures with positive system property is caused by the physical properties of the mixtures, which  could maintain stably for a long time with excellent heat transfer characteristics. It is meaningful for the industrial application of dropwise condensation. The experimental  system of Marangoni condensation for ethanol-water mixtures on the horizontal surface  was designed and built. The condensation modes and heat transfer characteristics  during the time-series and time-averaged processes for Marangoni condensation merely due to  the surface tension gradient were systematically analyzed for the further mechanism  research and industrial application. Surface modification methods for the fast orientation of droplets motion is also in progress for further enhancement of the condensation heat transfer characteristics at present.


  李勇博士于2018年3月毕业于西安交通大学,获得动力工程及工程热物理专业工学博士学位,是基础与前沿研究院邓旭教授的博士后。李勇博士在站期间主要从事混合工质凝结、表面改性以及液滴运输等相关方向研究工作,曾在INT J HEAT MASS TRAN,EXP THERM FLUID SCI等国际期刊发表学术论文。





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