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学术沙龙:Estimation of exciton diffusion lengths of organic semiconductors in random domains
文:教师发展中心 来源:数学学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-10-23 3067


  一、主 题:Estimation of exciton diffusion lengths of organic semiconductors in random domains

  二、时 间:2018年10月25日(周四)16:00

  三、地 点:清水河校区主楼A1-512

  四、主讲人:苏州大学 陈景润 教授

  五、主持人:数学科学学院 徐立伟 教授


  Exciton diffusion length plays a vital role in the function of opto-electronic devices. Oftentimes, the domain occupied by a organic semiconductor is subject to surface measurement error. In many experiments, photoluminescence over the domain is measured and used as the observation data to estimate this length parameter in an inverse manner based on the least square method. However, the result is sometimes found to be sensitive to the surface geometry of the domain. We propose an asymptotic-based method  as an approximate forward solver whose accuracy is justified both theoretically and numerically. It only requires to solve several deterministic problems over a fixed domain. Therefore, for the same accuracy requirement we tested here, the running time of our approach is more than one order of magnitude smaller than that of directly solving the original stochastic boundary-value problem by the stochastic collocation method. In addition, from numerical results we find that the correlation length of randomness is important to determine whether a 1D reduced model is a good surrogate. This is joint work with Ling Lin (Sun Yat-sen University), Zhiwen Zhang (University of Hong Kong), and Xiang Zhou (City University of Hong Kong).



  陈景润,苏州大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。2005年毕业于南京大学,获学士学位;2010年毕业于中国科学院,获博士学位;2010-2015年,在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校先后担任博士后和访问助理教授;主要研究兴趣为与材料相关的数学建模、分析与应用等。在J. Comput. Phys., Math.  Comp., SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 等期刊上发表论文20余篇。





编辑:罗莎  / 审核:王晓刚  / 发布:陈伟