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Creativity, fluidity and transgression:English in the linguistic landscape of Suzhou
文:苏扬 图:苏扬 来源:外国语学院 时间:2018-10-28 3625

  主 题:Creativity, fluidity and transgression:English in the linguistic landscape of Suzhou

  时 间:2018年10月31日(周三)16:20-17:10

  地 点:清水河校区综合楼354会议室

  主讲人:西交利物浦大学 励松青副教授、博导




  Dr. Songqing Li works as Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and PhD supervisor in the Department of English at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China. He holds a PhD degree in English Language from the National University of Singapore and a Master’s degree in Linguistics, Society & Culture from the University of East Anglia, England. The areas of his research interests include multi-/bi-lingualism, critical discourse analysis, English as a global language, language and globalization, language and identity, media discourse, and multimodality. He is the author of the monograph Identity Constructions in Bilingual Advertising: A Critical Analysis (Routledge, 2018), and his publications appeared in many reputable international peer-reviewed journals including Applied English, English Today, Discourse Studies, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Journal of World Languages, and Semiotica. He sits on the editorial advisory board of linguistics books, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. 



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