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学术沙龙:Processing the prosody-semantics interface in a second language: evidence from ERPs
文:苏扬 图:苏扬 来源:外国语学院 时间:2018-10-25 3453

  时 间:2018年10月26日(周五)10:30-12:00

  地 点:清水河校区综合楼 309会议室

  主讲人:荷兰乌得勒支大学Aoju Chen教授


  研究以焦点小品词“只,仅仅”为例,该词赋予一句话语中重读的那个词多个含义,从而有助于重读(焦点)词的对比解释。例如,“我只是带了包”(并没把包塞满)。重要的是,在英语中“only”通常直接位于动词的前面,独立于焦点词。以前面的句子为例,“I have only CARRIED the bag”即“I have only carried the BAG”。荷兰语中的“alleen”却不同,它通常被直接放在焦点词前。这个报告将讨论以英语为第二语言的荷兰母语者如何处理英语中重音和焦点小品词之间的交互,并探讨这种加工方式对二语语调习得的启示。 



  Aoju Chen has been the tenured professor of the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication at Utrecht University since 2011. Her research in concerned with both fundamental research questions on phonetics, phonology and the prosody-pragmatics interface and the issue of how acquisition of such linguistic abilities in a first or second language interacts with the learner’s development into a socially functional individual in a familiar or new culture.

  As a principle investigator (PI) in the interdisciplinary research pillar Belonging within the university’s strategic theme Dynamics of Youth,  Aoju Chen investigates how development of speech entrainment at multiple linguistic levels in child-parent interactions influences the development of sense of belonging in children and adolescents, which has strong effects on their emotional and mental well-being and cognitive functioning.


编辑:助理编辑  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟