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学者论坛:A concurrent global-local numerical method for multiscale PDEs with Localized Defects
文:教师发展中心 来源:数学学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-11-08 4056


  一、主  题:A concurrent global-local numerical method for multiscale PDEs with Localized Defects 

  二、主 讲 人:中科院数学与系统科学研究院 明平兵 研究员

  三、时  间:2018年11月9日(周五)16:00

  四、地  点:清水河校区主楼A1-513

  五、主 持 人:数学科学学院 徐立伟 教授


  We present a new hybrid numerical method for multiscale partial differential equations, which simultaneously captures the global macroscopic information and resolves the local microscopic events over regions of relatively small size. The method couples concurrently the microscopic coefficients in the region of interest with the homogenized coefficients elsewhere. The cost of the method is comparable to the heterogeneous multiscale method, while being able to recover microscopic information of the solution. The convergence of the method is proved for problems with bounded and measurable coefficients, while the rate of convergence is established for problems with rapidly oscillating periodic or almost-periodic coefficients. Numerical results are reported to show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method. This is a joint work with Yufang Huang and Jianfeng Lu.


  明平兵,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所研究员。2000年获得德国Humboldt基金资助做访问研究,2005年获得第七届钟家庆数学奖,2014年国家杰出青年基金获得者。他在固体多尺度建模与计算,特别是在Cauchy-Born法则的数学理论、拟连续体方法和数值均匀化方法的稳定性和收敛性理论等方面做出了深入的系统的研究成果。多次访问美国Princeton大学数学系、德国Leipzig Max Planck数学研究所等。






编辑:王宏伟  / 审核:王晓刚  / 发布:陈伟