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电子论坛第52期:Piezoelectric Aluminium Nitride Microsystems for Timing and Sensing
文:隆丽萍 图:隆丽萍 来源:电子学院 时间:2018-11-29 3989

  由电子科学与工程学院主办的“电子论坛”第52期邀请到香港城市大学副教授Joshua En-Yuan Lee,与我校师生共同探讨氮化铝压电微系统在时钟参考和传感方向上的应用。具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

  主 题:Piezoelectric Aluminium Nitride Microsystems for Timing and Sensing  

  主讲人:Joshua En-Yuan Lee(Associate Professor of City University of Hong Kong, Senior Member of IEEE)

  时 间:2018年12月3日(周一)10:00-11:00

  地 点:清水河校区科C218


  Piezoelectric thin film deposition technology has made substantial progress over the last two decades as driven by developments in high-volume manufacturing, particularly CMOS-compatible piezoelectric aluminium nitride (AlN) thin films. This seminar will first highlight some advances towards low impedance and high-quality factor (Q) resonators for frequency control, delivering Qs above 10,000 and impedances below 50 Ohms in the upper VHF range. These high-performance resonators have been used to realize low phase noise oscillators. The rest of the talk will illustrate how the advantages of AlN technology might be exploited to realize resonant sensors targeting operation in ambient conditions and dissipative media (as opposed to vacuum, such is commonly the case in state-of-art capacitive resonators). Three examples will be described. These include (1) resonant sensing platforms operable in liquids for biosensing applications, (2) MEMS magnetic sensors targeting electronic compass applications for next-generation integrated inertial measurement units without the constraint of requiring vacuum packaging, and (3) air-coupled micromachined ultrasonic transducers for touchless sensing applications.



  Joshua En-Yuan Lee: Dr. Joshua Lee received the B.A. (Hons) and M. Eng. (Distinction) degrees in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in 2009, all from the University of Cambridge, U.K. He joined the faculty of the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong in June 2009, where is currently an Associate Professor and is affiliated with the State Key Laboratory of Millimetre Waves. He is also the Program Leader for Postgraduate Studies, in which capacity he is responsible for graduate affairs and admissions. In 2017, he was a visiting professor at University Grenoble Alpes in France. His research interests include the design, analysis, and characterization of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for sensing and frequency control applications. Dr Lee is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He has served on the Technical Program Committees of various conferences including ISQED, IFCS, and Transducers.




编辑:罗莎  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:陈伟