5月10日至14日,功率半导体领域最顶级的学术年会——第二十七届国际功率半导体器件与集成电路年会(IEEE ISPSD 2015)在中国香港举行。我校陈星弼院士因对高压功率MOSFET理论与设计的卓越贡献获得大会颁发的最高荣誉“国际功率半导体先驱奖”(ISPSD 2015 Pioneer Award),成为亚太地区首位获此殊荣的科学家。
大会在颁奖词中回顾了陈星弼院士的学术经历,尤其是对他在1993年发明突破了传统硅极限的“CB-layer”,即后来广为熟知应用的“Super-junction”的重大学术贡献给予高度评价。大会在授奖词中写道:Award Prof. Xingbi Chen for contributions to design and theory of high voltage power MOSFETs. As a senior semiconductor device physicist, he is best known for his invention of the “CB-layer” in 1993,later known as the “Super-junction(SJ)”.In his US patent (#5,216,275A), the relationship between on-resistance (Ron) and breakdown voltage (VB) of the SJ-structure was first and explicitly presented as : a very attractive relationship and a breakthrough to the traditional “Silicon Limit of ”.This patent has been cited by more than 500 patents world-wide. In the past decades, Prof. Chen has authored and coauthored over 120 papers along with seven books. He has been granted twenty US patents and seventeen Chinese patents.
5月13日晚,大会在香港九龙香格里拉酒店举行隆重的授奖仪式和庆祝晚宴。大会主席Prof. Johnny K.O. Sin为陈星弼院士颁奖。
在致辞中,借助贝多芬的《命运》交响曲,陈星弼院士分享了自己几十年来对科学研究的感悟和执着坚持的精神。他讲到:“My experience of doing research is somewhat like Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. When we have a new idea and need to realize it, we always meet difficulties and challenges, like the fate knocking our door in the 1st movement of the symphony. Then, we struggled, investigated, studied, and argued, with crying and laughing in the heart. After lots of efforts, eventually, the barriers are overcome and we succeeded in one research. Tonight, it’s like the 4th movement of the symphony for me. Sometimes, when we think back on the process of doing research, most of the barriers we met in the past now seem to be so simple, so easy to be solved, as if they were kidding us. Power devices and PIC’s still have a lot of opportunities for all of us. So, this symphony will be played again and again for some people among you.”陈星弼院士的感言展现了老一辈科学工作者令人敬仰的科研精神和风骨,更是对中青年一代科研工作者的极大鼓舞和勉励,引起全场来自世界各地数百位科学家们的共鸣,现场不时爆发出热烈的掌声。
ISPSD是国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)主办的不带地区色彩的高水平学术会议,是功率器件领域的顶级国际学术会议。该会每年举办一届,自1992年的第三届开始,轮流在日本(2007年为韩国)、美国(1999年为加拿大)和欧洲举办。自2015年起,中国成为该会的常任举办国之一。“Pioneer Award”是ISPSD大会授予在本领域有突出贡献和显著声望的科学家的最高荣誉,至今获奖者仅有C. Frank Wheatley (IGBT器件的发明人之一,2011年授奖)和Harry Vaes(Resurf理论的发明人,2012年授奖)。
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