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资环论坛:“Research to Realization” - From molecular level interaction to real-time sensing systems
来源:资环学院 时间:2019-01-03 6192

  题 目:“Research to Realization” - From molecular level interaction to real-time sensing systems

  时 间:2019年1月7日(周一)10:00

  地 点:清水河校区创新中心5楼A503会议室

  主讲人:香港城市大学 Dr. A. L. Roy Vellaisamy 副教授

  主持人:电子科技大学资源与环境学院 梁岩 研究员


  Growing industrialization and urbanization has put human beings and other living organisms at risk against new threats due to the contamination of food, water and air. These Contaminants endanger all the living organisms in this world, especially for human beings genetic disorders and unknown diseases become common nowadays. The WHO statistics show that more than 422 million people worldwide are suffering from contamination related illness. The growing prevalence of such disorders has been linked to exposure to chemicals in plastic, food and water. Although regulatory steps have been taken to minimize risk, cases of overexposure (2011 Taiwan food crisis, Flint and Hong Kong lead contamination, etc.) still occur. Detection of these chemicals is done in testing labs using expensive and time consuming mass spectrometer systems that require specially trained users. In the regard, we demonstrate a real-time monitoring system for a rapid pre-screening test that could curtail cases of contamination. Over the years, we have developed an electronic sensor platform based on molecular level interaction between the target and analyte to detect these toxins[1] [2]. The advantage of our sensor platform is that it can be used for on-site detection; it is easy to operate and provides results on real-time basis. In addition, we have demonstrated a sensor system to monitor pulse waveform in real-time[3]. This would allow the user to quickly self-diagnose for problems such as myocardial ischemia and seek medical attention immediately. In this talk, I discuss the latest advancements of our sensor platform in terms of basic science to successful launch in the market as an example of “Research to Realization”.


  Vellaisamy A. L. Roy, (PI) is leading a team of 15 people including graduate students and research staff on functional materials research for various electronics and photonics applications. He has published more than 160 journal articles with a citation of over 4900 times and has an h-index of 34 (Scopus). The journals where he publishes within his research area are Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Angew Wandte Chemie, ACS Nano, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Applied Physics Letters, and Chemical Communications. Furthermore, he completed several applied research projects with industry and filed up to 21 patents. His patents have been licensed by regional companies. He recently completed an Innovation Technology Funded project on "Electronic Sensor Array with Sensitive and Selective Detection of Amines for Food Safety" and licensed the technology. And the product (food safety sensor) has been launched in the market in July 2018. His research focuses on various self-assembly materials and simple solution process approach for device fabrication such as electronic sensors, flash memories, and THz spectroscopy. All his projects focus on functional materials for large area device fabrication and integration.Membership: SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, USA. MRS– Materials research society Awards:(a) TRIL fellow (2003-04), International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.(b) Excellent supervisor award (2017), CityU


  [1] S. Venkatesh, C.-C. Yeung, Q.-J. Sun, J. Zhuang, T. Li, R. K. Y. Li, V. A. L. Roy, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018, 259, 650.

  [2] S. Venkatesh, T. Li, X.-S. Wang, C.-C. Yeung, K. Pei, Q.-J. Sun, W. Wu, R. K. Y. Li, M. H. W. Lam, P. K. L. Chan, J. J. Wylie, V. A. L. Roy, Analytical Chemistry 2018.

  [3] Q.-J. Sun, J. Zhuang, S. Venkatesh, Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han, W. Wu, K.-W. Kong, W.-J. Li, X. Chen, R. K. Y. Li, V. A. L. Roy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 4086.



编辑:庄志东  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:陈伟