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文:基础与前沿研究院 图:基础与前沿研究院 来源:基础与前沿研究院 时间:2019-04-10 13903




主 题:气体超浸润纳米阵列电极

时 间:4月12日(周五) 14:20

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室


  总计发表论文202篇,引用24000余次。其中以第一作者及通讯联系人身份在Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem., JACS, Adv. Mater.等国际材料与化学类主流刊物发表学术论文125篇,总引用10900余次,他引>9000次。申请国家发明专利40项,获授权22项;申请国际专利8项。于2014 - 2017年被Elsevier出版社评为材料学领域的高引用学者,2015-2017年被英国皇家化学会选为top 1%中国高被引学者。受邀担任Science Bulletin杂志副主编和Nano Research等国际刊物编委会成员。


  气体参与的电化学反应可分为气体“析出”和“消耗”两大类。针对性地设计催化位点并改善气体的扩散以有效发挥其作用是提高电催化效率及相应器件性能的关键因素。我们通过微观组成(MoS2, Pt 、Cu、层状双羟基氢氧化物等)的选择和缺陷位的构造,实现了催化本征性能的有效提高。将此类材料构筑为有序微纳结构得到了不同的水下超疏气电极分别用于析氢、析氧、析氮反应等。这类超疏气电极对气体有很小的粘附力,降低了气体从电极表面溢出的阈值,减少了电解质的扩散阻力同时能够很好地保持三相界面的稳定性,对于提高电催化具有重要的意义。与此相对,在气体消耗反应中,通常会面临气体在电解液中的溶解度不够,导致电催化性能不能充分发挥。表面进行疏水修饰以构筑微纳结构“超亲气”电极,使气体能够通过气体扩散层快速到达电极表面,从而提高“耗气”反应的电催化效率。总之,通过微观活性位点设计和电极表面超浸润性调控,有助于实现快速的气体传输以提高电催化的效率和工作稳定性。



主 题:锂离子电池微观结构与性能的原位无损核磁共振研究

时 间:4月12日(周五) 14:50

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室


  唐博士的主要研究领域是拓展高级磁共振方法(NMR/MRI/EPR)以及功能材料:研发多维高分辨核磁共振技术,设计电池等器件的原位磁共振研究以及高压原位表征;部分科研成果已在Nat. Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem., JPCL, CM, JMCA等杂志上发表。





主 题:Fluorooxoborates: Novel Candidates for Deep-UV Nonlinear Optical Materials

时 间:4月12日(周五) 15:35

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室


  1996年于郑州大学获得理学学士学位,同年保送郑州大学研究生于1999年获理学硕士学位,2002年7月于中国科学技术大学获理学博士学位,2004年中国科学院理化技术研究所博士后出站后,到美国Northwestern University做博士后研究。2007年6月招聘回国到中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所工作。先后在J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等刊物上发表SCI论文370余篇,其中,J. Am. Chem. Soc.文章共14篇,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.文章共8篇, Nat. Commun.共1篇。授权美国发明专利9项,授权中国发明专利67项。


  The ever-growing application of deep-ultraviolet (deep-UV, λ < 200 nm) nonlinear optical (NLO) materials in various fields requires searching for candidates to generate the deep-UV lasers through direct second-harmonic generation (SHG) method. Among them, fluorooxoborates, benefiting from the large optical band gap, high anisotropy and ever-greater possibility to form non-centrosymmetric structures activated by the large polarization of the functionalized [BOxF4-x](x+1)- (x =1, 2 and 3) building blocks, have been considered as the new fertile fields for searching the deep-UV NLO materials.1,2 Two series of fluorooxoborates AB4O6F (A = NH4, Na, Rb, Cs, K/Cs and Rb/Cs)3-6 and MB5O7F3 (M = Ca and Sr)7,8 were rationally designed and synthesized, which not only inherit the favorable structural characteristics of KBBF, but also possess superior optical properties. Property characterizations reveal that these two series possess the optical properties (deep-UV cutoff edges, large SHG responses, improved growth habit and also large birefringence to ensure the phase matching behavior in the deep-UV spectral region, etc.) required for the deep-UV NLO applications, which make them potential candidates to produce the deep-UV coherent light by the direct SHG process.



主 题:On the Exploration of the Pre-nucleation Stage of the Formation of Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots

时 间:4月12日(周五) 16:05

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室

个人简介:Prof. Kui Yu joined Sichuan University in 2014 with a Yangtze River Scholarship chair position, awarded from the Ministry of Education, P. R. China. Dr. Yu services as Executive Editor for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Dr. Yu earned her Ph.D. from Department of Chemistry, McGill University (Canada) and went to Sandia National Laboratories (USA) as a post-doc fellow and a limited term employee. Dr. Yu joined National Research Council Canada (NRC) in Ottawa in 2002 as an Assistant Research Officer and became Associate and then Senior Research Officer. Since 2002, she started her independent research career, focusing on the research field of colloidal photo-luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (QDs).


  A worldwide interest in the development of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) has been witnessed in the last thirty years, particially due to their promising energy-related applications, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) and solar cells. With significant efforts made to improve their syntheses and applications, NC synthesis has been performed as an empirical art, lacking of fundamental understanding of the pre-nucleation stage also called the induction period. Colloidal semiconductor magic-sized clusters (MSCs) have been reported to be a side product of the production of quantum dots (QDs). Meanwhile, their growth relationship has been addressed only in a limited fashion, without consensus reached in the literature. Here, I will present our latest advances towards the fundamental understanding of their formation pathways, using cadmium sulfide (CdS) as a model system. We propose that there are two individual pathways in the prenucleation stage of the formation of QDs. One can be described by the LaMer model of the classical nucleation theory (CNT), the other by the self-assembly of the Cd and S precursors which results in the formation of MSCs. The two pathways are linked also. Based on the two-pathway model (Yu) proposed, I will introduce our latest advances on the synthesis of photoluminescent CdSe helical nanostructures. Our present study brings deeper insights in the prenucleation stage of QDs and moves one step forward towards mechanism-enabled design and synthesis of NCs.



主 题:Phase Engineering of Novel Nanomaterials

时 间:4月12日(周五) 下午16:35

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室

个人简介:Dr. Hua Zhang obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees at Nanjing University in China in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and completed his Ph.D. with Prof. Zhongfan Liu at Peking University in China in July 1998. He joined Prof. Frans C. De Schryver’s group at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) in Belgium as a Research Associate in January 1999. Then he moved to Prof. Chad A. Mirkin’s group at Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Fellow in July 2001. He started to work at NanoInk Inc. (USA) as a Research Scientist/Chemist in August 2003. After that, he worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore from November 2005 to July 2006. Then he joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to a tenured Associate Professor on March 1, 2011, and Full Professor on Sept. 1, 2013. In 2019, he joined the Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong as a Chair Professor


  In this talk, I will summarize the recent research on the phase engineering of nanomaterials in my group. It includes the first-time synthesis of hexagonal-close packed (hcp) Au nanosheets (AuSSs) on graphene oxide, the first-time synthesis of 4H hexagonal phase Au nanoribbons (NRBs), the synthesis of crystal-phase heterostructured 4H/fcc Au nanorods, the epitaxial growth of metals with novel phases on the aforementioned Au nanostructures, and the synthesis of amorphous/ crystalline hetero-phase Pd nanosheets. In addition, the first-time synthesis of 1T'-MoS2 and 1T'-MoSe2 crystals have been achieved. Moreover, the phase transformation of transition metal dichalcogenide nanomaterials during our developed electrochemical Li-intercalation method will also be introduced. Interestingly, the lithiation-induced amorphization of Pd3P2S8 is also achieved. Currently, my group focuses on the (crystal) phase-based properties and applications in catalysis, surface enhanced Raman scattering, waveguide, photothermal therapy, chemical and biosensing, clean energy etc., which we believe are quite unique and very important not only in fundamental studies, but also in practical applications. Importantly, the concepts of crystal-phase heterostructures and hetero-phase nanomaterials are proposed.


主 题:稀土资源利用的高质量发展

时 间:4月12日(周五) 17:05

地 点:沙河校区 通信楼818室


  主要从事稀土功能材料研究。提出了结晶生长的化学键合新思想,探索了不同尺度下无机材料在生长过程中的介尺度结晶热力学和动力学,研发了公斤级大尺寸、高质量稀土晶体的稳定快速生长技术。提出了组成元素晶相金属电负性、离子电负性、共价电负性、键电负性标度和溶液相的电负性标度,强化了原子水平上新型无机材料的相组成计算与预测研究。建立了胶体离子超级电容器电极材料新体系,极大提高了电极材料的电化学活性和利用率。在Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊上发表论文500余篇,论文被他人正面引用10000余次;撰写专著3部、译著1部。曾获1998年中国科学院研究生院长奖学金特别奖、2000年全国优秀博士学位论文、2009年中国建筑材料科学技术奖二等奖、2010年中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖、2011年ISFM功能材料进展杰出科学家奖、2018年中国颗粒学会自然科学奖一等奖。目前兼任中国稀土学会副理事长,还兼任CrystEngComm, Science China-Technological Sciences, Journal of Rare Earths, Materials Research Bulletin,《应用化学》、《无机化学学报》等10余种学术期刊编委。





编辑:助理编辑  / 审核:王晓刚  / 发布:陈伟