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学术讲坛:Nitrided and Fluorinated Graphene for the Applications on High Mobility Graphene Transistor, Memory and Chemical Sensors
文:电子学院 图:电子学院 来源:电子学院 时间:2019-05-06 3963


  一、主 题:氮化和氟化石墨烯在高迁移率石墨烯晶体管、存储器以及化学传感器中的应用

  二、主讲人:长庚大学 赖朝松 教授

  三、时 间:2019年5月8日(周三)10:00-11:00

  四、地 点:沙河校区电子楼137会议室

  五、主持人:电子科学与工程学院 刘志伟 副教授


  A novel graphene based insulator, fluorographene, is firstly applied as gate dielectric in a field effect transistor. To identify the dielectric quality, dielectric constant, breakdown electric field and thermal stability are investigated. In this talk, the scalable and one-step fabrication of single atomic-layer transistors is demonstrated by the selective fluorination of graphene using a low-damage CF4 plasma treatment, where the generated F-radicals preferentially fluorinated the graphene at low temperature (<200 °C) while defect formation was suppressed by screening out the effect of ion damage. The fluorographe was also used as decoupling for graphene as its substrate and mobility was improved much. Graphene nanodiscs (GNDs), functionalized using NH3 plasma, as charge trapping sites (CTSs) for non-volatile memory applications have been investigated.  


  Chao-Sung Lai received the B. S. and ph. D. degrees from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1991 and 1996, respectively. In 1996, he joined National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, where was engaged in the research of silicon-on-insulator devices. He then, in 1997, joined Chang Gung University as a faculty in the department of electronic engineering. He has been engaged in the research of the characterization and reliability of MOSFETs, Flash memory and transistor based biosensors. From 2001 to 2002, he visited the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, for visiting research on fin-shaped FETs. Since 2007 to 2013, he had been the Chairman of the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Director of the Biosensor Group of the Biomedical Research Center, Chang Gung University, for the research-related bio-transistor application on ions, proteins, DNA, and biomarker analysis. From 2012 till now, he is the Dean of Engineering College of Chang Gung University. He holds 11 U.S. patents and 60 Taiwan patents, and he is the author of more than 350 SCI journal and conference papers, 25 international invited talks, and 2 book chapters. He is the Leading Guest Editor of the SCI journals, including Microelectronics Reliability (2010), Nano-Scaled Research Letters (2011), and Solid-State Electronics (2012). He won Lam Research Award in 1997 and distinguished award from Electron Devices and Materials Association in 2011 and Association of Chemical Sensing Technology in 2015. From 2016, he was elected as the president of Association of Chemical Sensing Technology. He has served as organizing committees for several international conferences, including general chair (IEEE-INEC 2011), (IEEE-ISNE 2015) and international advisory committee (IEEE-ISNE 2016) and (IEEE-EDSSC 2017).





编辑:何易虹  / 审核:罗莎  / 发布:陈伟