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文:资环学院 图:资环学院 来源:资环学院 时间:2019-05-22 4793



  报告人:赵杨 博士

  时  间:2019年5月24日(周五)上午10:00

  地  点:清水河校区 创新中心D518


  1.Anisotropic elastic reverse time migration

  Separating compressional and shear wavefields is an important step in elastic reverse-time migration, which can remove wave-mode crosstalk artifacts and improve imaging quality. In vertical (VTI) and titled (TTI) transversely isotropic media, the state-of-art techniques for wavefield separation are based on either non-stationary filter or low-rank approximation. They both require intensive Fourier transforms for models with strong heterogeneity. Based on the eigenform analysis, we develop an efficient pseudo-Helmholtz decomposition method for VTI and TTI media, which produces vector P- and S-wavefields with the same amplitudes, phases and physical units as the input elastic wavefields. The separated vector wavefields are used to produce PP and PS images by applying a dot-product imaging condition. Several numerical examples demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed methods.

  2.Virtual source for 4D land monitoring

  Interferometric virtual source (VS) redatuming converts surface-triggered source records into the equivalent records as if they originated from buried receiver locations by crosscorrelating downgoing waves with the corresponding upgoing waves. However, in the presence of a complex near surface, an intricate shallow structure and highly variable weathering layers can severely distort the raypath, such that it produces uneven angle coverage to the buried VS. We address these issues explicitly by spatially filtering the potentially contaminated direct wavefields using a zero-phase matched filter, such that the filtered wavefield is consistent with a model-based ideal direct P-wavefield observed at common receiver locations. The new VS approach provides significantly improved image quality and repeatability based on a pilot field of 13 time-lapse surveys, which solved a significant repeatability problem across a 17 month survey gap.



编辑:何易虹  / 审核:王晓刚  / 发布:陈伟