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Chinadaily:UESTC students win at top synthetic biology competition
文:chinadaily 来源:社会媒体 时间:2019-11-14 2296


  The students at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China participate in the 2019 iGEM Giant Jamboree, the largest innovation event in the synthetic biology industry, which was recently held in Boston, United States.

  The students at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) won two gold medals at the 2019 iGEM Giant Jamboree, the largest innovation event in the synthetic biology industry, which was recently held in Boston, United States.
Hosted by the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation, the Giant Jamboree is an annual synthetic biology competition for students to use genetic engineering to solve local problems from all around the world.

  Each year, the competition brings together more than 6,000 participants from across the globe to explore and create unique applications in synthetic biology, bringing positive contributions to their communities and society at large. Beyond the technology, participants are evaluated on teamwork, responsibility, entrepreneurship, sharing, safety, and other categories.

  This year's event attracted 376 teams from 44 countries. The teams UESTC-China and UESTC-Software won gold medals with their projects titled "BioMaster2.0" and "An expired drug solution." UESTC-Software also won the "Best Software Project" award, while UESTC-China was nominated for the "Best Hardware" award.


  The projects by UESTC students draw attention from other participants around the world at the 2019 iGEM Giant Jamboree, which was recently held in Boston, United States.

  To date, the UESTC students have won gold medals at the iGEM Giant Jamboree for the seventh consecutive year. They have also won four single awards and were nominated for single awards six times.

  During the event, the projects from UESTC drew wide attention from teams around the world, and the team members gained great experience through the exchange of ideas with other teams, according to the university.

  "This year's Giant Jamboree was a spectacular display of hard work and ingenuity. These students are showing the world what's possible when we fearlessly tackle tough problems and open our minds to new applications of engineering biology," said Randy Rettberg, co-founder and president of iGEM.

  "Many of the projects presented at iGEM will serve as the foundation and inspiration for important research, influential companies, and international interest to come. These participants are most certainly tomorrow's leaders," he added.


编辑:林坤  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤