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澳大利亚悉尼大学Abbas Jamalipour教授做客信通论坛
文:信通学院 图:信通学院 来源:信通学院 时间:2019-11-20 4420

  11月16日下午,IEEE Fellow,IEICE Fellow,IE Australia Fellow,澳大利亚悉尼大学Abbas Jamalipour教授做客信通论坛,为师生们带来题为“UAV-Assisted Wireless Communications for Public Safety”的学术报告。相关方向的老师和硕/博士研究生参加本次报告。

  报告中,Abbas Jamalipour教授介绍了无人机在公共安全通信及灾后应急通信中的重要作用,重点讲解了在满足无线覆盖范围及通信时延的约束下,无人机的航迹规划、功率控制、频谱资源管理、空地通信协同等关键技术。

  Abbas Jamalipour教授首先介绍了5G蜂窝网络及无人机的特点,分析了二者结合应用的可能性。随后他介绍了无人机在应急通信方面的应用场景,包括灾后应急通信以及密集网络通信等。Abbas Jamalipour教授强调说,无线网络是紧急通信以及灾后通信的首要选择,而无人机是实现应急无线通信的重要手段。他给出了一种面向灾后应急通信的包括SDN层、UAV层和无线接入网络层的三层式网络体系架构。最后,Abbas Jamalipour教授进行了技术总结并给出了未来的研究热点,包括用户移动特征提取、通信信道建模以及无人机无线网络优化等。

  报告结束后,Abbas Jamalipour教授与参加讲座的青年教师及同学们就基于无人机的无线通信等相关学术问题进行了深入探讨与交流,并耐心地解答了同学们所关心的学术论文选题、海外访学等问题。


  Abbas Jamalipour is the Professor of Ubiquitous Mobile Networking at the University of Sydney, Australia, and holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, IEICE of Japan, and the Institution of Engineers Australia; an ACM Professional Member, and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He has authored eight technical books, eleven book chapters, over 450 technical papers, and five patents, all in the area of wireless and mobile communications. Dr. Jamalipour is the President-Elect 2020, elected member of the Board of Governors, Executive Vice-President, Chair of Fellow Evaluation Committee, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Mobile World, all in IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He was the Editor-in-Chief IEEE Wireless Communications, Vice President-Conferences and a member of Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society, and has been an editor for several journals. He was a General Chair or Technical Program Chair for a number of conferences, such as IEEE GLOBECOM2018, SmartGrid2016, Auto-IoT2015, ICT2015, ICC2014, PIMRC2012, and WCNC2010. He is recipient of a number of prestigious IEEE awards and 15 Best Paper Awards. He is one of the highly cited authors in the field of cellular networks.

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