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加拿大多伦多大学Wai Tung Ng 教授做客名师讲堂
文:人力资源部教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2021-12-07 3605

  12月2日,人力资源部教师发展中心邀请加拿大多伦多大学Wai Tung Ng 教授做客名师讲堂,以“From Idea to Publications”为题,与我校教师进行交流探讨。本次活动由人力资源教师发展中心主任罗小蓉教授主持。


  Wai Tung Ng教授结合自身审稿经历,分别从如何形成创新想法、论文投稿期刊选择、如何更好地撰写论文及论文投稿、审稿流程等方面进行了分享。他谈到,论文首先应基于一个原创的想法,良好的英文表述、易于理解的图表和正确的格式可以帮助作者更出色地完成论文。随后他结合实例,分别从标题、摘要、公式、表格等方面入手,逐一讲解了各部分在论文中的作用及要求,同时还分享了如何给审稿人留下深刻印象、如何回复审稿人意见的一些宝贵经验。

  交流环节中,参会教师就学术论文前言与结论的区分、实验数据如何在摘要中更好的呈现及如何提高论文过审率等问题与Wai Tung Ng教授进行了交流和探讨。




  Wai Tung Ng is a Professor, University of Toronto. Prof. Ng has served as an associate editor for IEEE Electron Device Letters from 2009-2018. He has been involved with the ISPSD conference since 2005, and was the Technical Program Chair in 2018, and is the General Chair for ISPSD 2022. He also served as the Technical Committee Chairs of the IEEE EDS Power Devices and ICs (2018-2021). His current research work covers smart power semiconductor devices and fabrication processes. In particular, his main focus is on the development of power management circuit, integrated switched-mode power supplies, smart gate driver ICs for power devices, and integrated class D audio power amplifiers, etc. After he obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto in 1990, Prof. Ng joined Texas Instruments, Dallas TX to work on LDMOS power transistors for automotive applications. He started his academic career with the University of Hong Kong in 1992. In 1993, Prof. Ng joined the University of Toronto and established the Smart Power Integration & Semiconductor Devices Research Group. Prof. Ng is the director of the Toronto Nanofabrication Centre, and open access research facility at the University of Toronto.

编辑:肖洁  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤