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名师讲堂:DC Fault Protection: Current Status, Fundamental Challenges, and Future outlook
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2023-09-27 5497

 教师发展中心“名师讲堂”活动特别邀请IEEE Fellow加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学 John Shen教授来校作学术交流。具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

 一、主题:DC Fault Protection: Current Status, Fundamental Challenges, and Future outlook

二、主讲人:IEEE Fellow加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学 John Shen教授


四、参会方式 腾讯会议, 会议ID:523-482-033


DC power is coming back long after losing the War of Currents over a century ago. A wide range of DC circuit breakers (DCCBs) technologies have been investigated for different applications. Presently, solid-state circuit breakers (SSCBs) can quickly interrupt a DC fault current within tens of microseconds but suffer from high conduction losses and weight and cost penalties associated with the cooling and semiconductor components, especially for high power applications. The most distinct advantage of semiconductor switches is their capability of switching current during fault interruption while the most distinct disadvantage is their nonnegligible on-resistance when conducting current. Unfortunately, they are used in SSCBs in the worst way possible—continuously dissipating power except during infrequent fault interruption.  Numerous hybrid circuit breaker (HCB) schemes have been proposed to offer an on-state resistance 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of SSCBs. All the HCBs are of parallel type, in which an electronic path is in parallel with a main mechanical switch. The fault current in the mechanical switch is initially commutated to the electronic path to create artificial current zero crossings in various forms to aid the opening of the mechanical switch. The electronic path will then be interrupted with varistors (MOV) clamping the transient voltage surge and absorbing the residual electromagnetic energy. However, these HCB solutions offer only a moderate fault response time of several milliseconds. This may be too slow to limit the fast-rising fault current in low-impedance DC power networks. The most distinct disadvantage of all the HCBs is the relatively long opening time of the mechanical switch to achieve a sufficiently wide gap for sustaining the DC voltage, during which the fault current continues to rise through the electronic path. This talk will provide a review and performance comparison on the state of the art DCCB solutions in a systematic way. It will cover several case studies of various types of DC circuit breakers. This talk will also hightlight the fundamental challenges faced by the DCCB technologies and shed some light on future research directions.


Dr. John Shen is a professor and director of the School of Mechatronics at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada. He was Grainger Chair Professor of Electrical and Power Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology between 2013 and 2021. He is a Fellow of IEEE and the U.S. National Academy of Inventors. He has more than 34 years of industrial, academic, and entrepreneurial experience in power electronics and power semiconductor devices with around 350 publications and 19 issued U.S. patents in these areas. He has been involved in circuit breaker research since 2013, and is an inventor of several patents and an author of over 30 publications on the subject. He served as PI of an ARPA-E CIRCUITS project on low-voltage solid-state circuit breakers, co-PI on an ARPA-E BREAKERS project on MVDC hybrid circuit breakers, and PI on an ARPA-E CABLES project on MVDC superconducting momentary circuit interrupters. He recently co-edited a book on Direct Current Fault protection (Springer 2023). He is a recipient of the 2012 IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer Award, the 2012 E. T. Walton Fellowship from Science Foundation of Ireland, and the 2020 Illinois Institute of Technology Senior Faculty Sigma Xi Research Award, and the 2023 IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) technical achievement award in high-density power converters. He has served the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) in various capacities including Vice President of Products, AdCom member, Chair of Distinguished Lecturers Program, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, Guest Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics and the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. He has been on the organizing or technical program committee of over 30 international conferences in the field, and served as the General Chair of the 2016 Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE2016) and the 2018 International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & IC’s (ISPSD2018).



编辑:助理编辑  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟