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名师讲堂:Progress in Light-Matter Interplay in 2D Materials from the Near-Infrared to Terahertz Lightwaves towards Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2024-04-22 1609

教师发展中心“名师讲堂”暨基础院十周年“前沿拾光”之学术论坛系列活动特别邀请IEEE Fellow、香港中文大学许建斌教授来校作学术交流。具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

一、主 题:Progress in Light-Matter Interplay in 2D Materials from the Near-Infrared to Terahertz Lightwaves towards Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices

二、时 间:2024年4月24日 15:00-16:00

三、地 点:清水河校区基础与前沿研究院B214会议厅

四、主讲人:IEEE Fellow、香港中文大学 许建斌 教授

五、讲座主持人:基础与前沿研究院 黄明 教授


Comprehensive understandings of optoelectronic properties and phenomena at hetero-interfaces and in atomically thin films play an important role for high-performance device realization. Manipulation of the interplay between matter and photonic structure yields numerous opportunities in fundamental understandings and practical applications. In this presentation, we will first present our new understanding of the Fano-type asymmetry deviated from the Rabi-type asymmetry in the exciton-plasmon hybrid system, which is experimentally confirmed with two-dimensional (2D) layered WSe2 coupled to plasmonic lattice. Secondly, to overcome the large Ohmic loss of plasmonic material, we apply the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) bottom-up method to fabricate the metaphotonic structure based on the bulk transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Thirdly we leverage the concept of Kerker's effects to demonstrate the dynamic control of scattering directionality in dielectric nanostructures by tuning the exciton-photon coupling. Fourthly, we propose a synergistic effect of chiral near-field and hot carrier injection for actively controlling the valley polarization of WSe2 at room temperature (RT). The degree of valley polarization emission is enhanced from near zero (for pure WSe2) to 20% under non-resonant optical excitation (532 nm) when monolayer WSe2 is integrated with the chiral near field by the plasmonic metasurface. Finally progress in THz wave modulators will be reported.


Professor Xu Jianbin is an Associate Dean of Engineering, and a Choh-Ming Li Professor of Electronic Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a globally renowned scholar in electronic materials and devices. His research interests lie in the fields of 2-dimensional materials and devices, nanoscopic characterization, functional materials, energy conversion and thermal management. Professor Xu has secured more than 50 research grants and yielded plentiful research results. He has published extensively with over 500 technical papers and held a number of patents. Professor Xu is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He has received several international and national awards. He has also served at numerous technical conferences and funding agencies as well as professional journals. He is currently serving as an Editor of IEEE Transaction of Electron Devices and a Member of Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Nano.


  承办单位:基础与前沿研究院  物理学院

编辑:李果  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟