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学者论坛:Parametrically forced stably stratified cavity flows
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2024-05-21 1248

教师发展中心“学者论坛”活动特别邀请美国亚利桑那州立大学Juan Lopez教授来校作学术交流。具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

一、主 题:Parametrically forced stably stratified cavity flows

二、时 间:2024年5月30日(周四) 16:30-18:00

三、地 点:清水河校区六号科研楼A344

四、主讲专家:美国亚利桑那州立大学 Juan Lopez 教授

五、主持人:数学科学学院 吴柯 研究员


Parametric resonances and instabilities in continuously stratified fluids have attracted much attention due to their ubiquity in many situations, and in particular in the oceans where stratification is a result of variations with depth of temperature and salinity and internal waves are naturally caused by tides and currents due to gravitational and geological effects. Due to the challenges in oceanographic observations, which are sparse in time and space, together with the lack of control over initial conditions and forcing mechanisms, there has been a large emphasis in studying internal waves, their parametric resonances and instabilities in stratified flow laboratory experiments. These types of laboratory experiments, as well as their numerical models, allow one to isolate salient features of the physical properties of internal wave dynamics. In this talk, I will present on overview of our studies of the dynamics of a stably and thermally stratified fluid-filled rectangular cavity subjected to various harmonic parametric forcings. Linear inviscid theory provides much guidance, as does Floquet analysis, but the subtleties involved in the dynamic responses to the parametric forcing require fully accounting for the nonlinear processes.


Juan Lopez's research interests include the study of instabilities and transitions in flows driven by differential rotation or thermal gradients. He uses numerical simulations and dynamical systems theory to gain  insight into the spatio-temporal behavior. Another research area is interfacial hydrodynamics, ranging from the study of surfactant monolayers to fibrillization of proteins at sheared fluid interfaces. Juan received his PhD in Mathematics from Monash University (1985). He then joined the Aeronautical Research Laboratory (Melbourne) and spent over a year at NASA Ames. His academic career started at Penn State in 1993, and has been at Arizona State University since 1998, where he is a Professor and former director of the graduate programs in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.


  承办单位:数学科学学院 物理学院

编辑:李果  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟